Take Action: IDOC Deprives Inmate of Wheelchair!

Please Call and DEMAND they give Chris Brooks a wheelchair and X-rays needed for his swollen finger!!

Inmate info: Chris Brooks DOC#956853

IDOC HQ: (317) 232-5711 ext. 0, ext. 2

Plainfield Correctional Facility: (317) 839-2513 ext. 5, ext. 8

Hey on the 11th the correctional came to me and said I need your rollator walker per officer Powell I told her that I have paperwork for this chair an gave this female officer Ms. O that was working central O unit the paperwork. She took it and said I have to take the chair but I’m going to find out why it was token. She came back and sometime later and said,” it was out of her hands. “I told her well I need a wheelchair she said she was going to bring me a walker. I told her I have a cane that was given to me, but I can’t use it because I can’t grip it. I said I need a wheelchair. I talked to the sergeant t over the unit I talked to the counselor Ms. Sanders they both said they would look into it. At lunch time I grabbed the cane I was issued and started to walk out of O unit. The officer stated she ordered me a tray. I was walking back inside, and I lost grip of the cane and fell in the grass on my face the officer called a signal 3000. The yard. Sgts came with a wheelchair then nurses showed up an asked me if I was fine, I told them no my right finger is swollen and my right elbow hurts. I they took me to medical gave me some pain pills and said they was ordering me a wheelchair. I told them what am I supposed to do until then. The nurse said use somebody’s on the unit. My finger wasn’t x-rayed, nor have I been called to get an x-ray. This prisons medical staff up to its doctors need to be investigated. And I’m willing to expose them from how I’m being treated and handled with my medical condition. I’ll do an interview on the phone through a visit. Could you please help me with this matter
Sincerely from a man who wants to make it home in one piece and to create change in how people who is incarcerated at IYC is being treated when it comes to this medical staff.

I was just talking to other people, and they want to expose this prison and it’s cruel and harsh medical treatment so can U send me that DOC watchdog info so I can pass it out so people can also let them know how they’re being treated. The more people we have speak out about the atrocities that’s taking place the better. Then maybe we can get all the medical staff fired even brought up on civil lawsuit claims for not doing their jobs to the fullest. This is the worst place in the state of Indiana to be if your medically ill. They the medical staff don’t care if U live or die here. They’ll do the bare minimal and dare U to complain about it. I was removed off of the medical unit when I wasn’t even ready and was never given any for warning from the nurse practitioner hale that I was being moved. Nurse Hale still doesn’t know what’s wrong with me doesn’t know why my hands are swollen up and numb and the pain is not going away. I still can’t bend my hands into a fist both hands still hurt. She Ms. Hale still doesn’t know why I’m having these chest pains. When it comes to me and my situation everything is it might it could we don’t really know or we’re leaning towards this. I’m going to end up going home messed up more than from when I came. And I can never get any nurses names because they are not ordered to wear their badges with their names facing out wards. Thats another problem so when we I ask for their names some will tell me others will not and most of them are Africans with attitudes. It’s a lady named April Meggs that’s over all these medical staff I talked to her once about my condition. And haven’t heard back from her and every time I ask for her contact info, I get the run a round I hope all this is helpful.

Bro love.

Act Now!

DEMAND they give Chris Brooks a wheelchair and X-rays needed for his swollen finger!

  • Inmate info: Chris Brooks DOC#956853
  • IDOC HQ: (317) 232-5711 ext. 0, ext. 2
  • Plainfield Correctional Facility: (317) 839-2513 ext. 5, ext. 8