Phone and Email Zap: Quintin Towles Jr. Needs Medical Care!
Westville CF continues denying necessary medical care for an inmate’s staph infection.
Westville CF continues denying necessary medical care for an inmate’s staph infection.
BACKGROUND: Recently, a CO was held hostage in a solitary confinement unit. White prisoners at Pendleton CI have been giving false intel to staff, accusing…
On 1/4/2021, IDOC Watch and other organizations around the state and country organized a mass Phone & Email Zap to change the cruel and illegal…
by Kwame “Beans” Shakur Illegal Denial of Video Visits Due to the Covid-19 virus Wabash Valley Correctional Facility closed the visitation room in March. Those…
Brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun is a revolutionary New Afrikan political prisoner currently caged at Wabash Valley CF, Indiana. Bro. Khalfani has dealt with frequent retaliation…
Phone & Email Zap! Please call and email IDOC headquarters to demand that they stop the retaliation against Vernell Freeman at MCF. Vernell has been…
From the New Afrikan Black Panther Party: Comrades, I’m sending this message per Rashid’s request. I’ve just gotten off of the phone with him and…
Prisoners at Pendleton Correctional Facility have begun to refuse meals, today April 30th. Their actions are in response to the failure of Pendleton to take…
Right now the prisons and jails throughout the country are potential disaster zones for widespread outbreak. Indiana has the most overcrowded corrections system in the…
We recently received word from Martin Horst’s mother and fiance about the dangerous situation he is in, as someone incarcerated with a respiratory condition during…