Retaliatory Transfer of Prison Activist Natalie Medley from IWP to Madison

In late March, Natalie Medley, who has been involved with the Prison Legal Support Network and has written numerous articles for the IDOC Watch blog and Time/Cut newsletter, was suddenly transferred from Indiana Womens’ Prison to Madison CF, a move that was clearly retaliation by the DOC. Natalie was in the process of filing for medical clemency and had several grievances that she was pursuing at IWP. We publish this article to make the public aware of the DOC’s vile, underhanded tactics to silence people in their custody who stand up for their rights and the rights of fellow prisoners, and to let the DOC know that we see exactly what they’re doing.

There is no law that allows the DOC to retaliate against people for speaking out about the abuses and horrible conditions they experience in prison, and retaliating against prisoners for trying to file legal actions is a violation of their Constitutional right to access the courts!!

by Natalie Medley

Natalie has a serious heart condition that makes her very vulnerable to Covid-19, and was in the process of filing a medical clemency petition when she was transferred.

I do feel the move was retaliatory or preventative. I had been living under retaliatory conditions inside there [IWP]. I had been blacklisted from any program or job that would benefit me or others since 2018. I was denied any job that may have had a computer or even a staff person with a computer. I was denied and prevented the following opportunities that others there were permitted: earning another college degree, department of labor apprenticeships (I sought 3 different areas since November 2018: the mosquito-net project, commissary, and the ICAN program.) I have been denied services others were offered including cosmetology and extracurricular programs. I was denied choice in my bed/housing assignment.

And the most obvious retaliation came one week after meeting with 2 higher ranking administrators concerning my request for permission to meet with and use a computer to help 10 women prepare medical clemency paperwork. I was not given permission, told to wait out a time period, and when I pressed about my denials of programming and the possibility of my transfer, the classification specialist, Ms. Totten stated, she would not speak to me about it. My name was the first on the approved list to go less than 10 days later. So, while she told me to wait for permission to have a law library job, despite one being available, she sent me to Madison veiled under a “big run” with 8 others. Madison runs from IWP had been denied since June 2019. While trips had not been held because of coronavirus fears, when we arrived Madison had just had 100 cases on the unit we are being segregated on. So, the timing truly seems extremely intentional for my placement, or neglectful from am administrative one. 

Since my arrival I have already been solicited to apply for a job due to the length of my sentence (told the only opportunities I will have otherwise will be cleaning) and denied the opportunity, although my skill level surpasses my peers.

I say all of that to say retaliation has held many colors in my time in DOC. And it hates the term “retaliation”. It has tried to veil the personal-specification of this move in the group. While the move could give the impression that FINALLY I will have options to be given DOC opportunities to improve myself, gain job skills, earn a few dollars, or verify myself through certification or degree granting scenarios, the denial already has me concerned. Why does DOC, under the impression of objectivity, deny me every opportunity to be productive or have meaning through work or trade? Why did it specifically deny the preparation of medical clemency paperwork when the transparent goal was to file on April 1st? It feels purposeful, but IT has done a good job covering the move. 

Just like my housing unit move from unit 5 to unit 12 in July, 2020. IT did it with a group of 6 ppl for the appearance of retaliation to dissipate. We were told the entire hallway would move. That scenario ended after they moved us 6, separating me and only me from the group. 

The IT knows you are watching! IT is upset. Will IT do what IT should do, or keep repressing me and the possibility for my earnings, both experiential and financial?

I appreciate your time in listening. Call it out if you see the retaliation. But, damn, do they really plan on keeping me without a job option to authenticate myself in a work place for the next 7 years because of retaliation for having said something or promoted a cause DOC disagrees with or tries to suppress!

You can support Natalie by writing to her at Natalie Medley #122409, Madison CF, 800 MSH Bus Stop Drive
Madison, IN 47250 or by setting up an account at to write to her and send her money.