Phone & Email Zap! Retaliation Against Hunger Strike Leader Kevin “Rashid” Johnson at Pendleton CF

From the New Afrikan Black Panther Party:


I’m sending this message per Rashid’s request. I’ve just gotten off of the phone with him and he tells me that the police just “shook down” and ransacked his cell. He was not given any explanation and was placed in a holding cell while the action was carried out, however, upon his arrival back to his cell, his neighbor was able to relay to him bits and pieces of the pigs’ conversation. The pigs were overhead saying that they were looking for a cellphone but we know this to be false and only a pretext for punishing Rashid for the articles that he has written and continues to write and the hunger strike that he is currently leading there at Pendleton, in regard to the institution’s willfull negligence in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. The hunger strike has been largely successful and includes close to 300 prisoners who have been refusing meals since early last week.

This shakedown was carried out by IA and not regular pigs. Rashid mentions that this was the same group that ruined and stole property of his in retaliation for his many published articles on prison abuse in the past, upon his arrival at Pendleton after being transferred from VA. The majority of the material stolen or destroyed had to do with black/New Afrikan history or political expression.

In addition to this most recent attack, the pigs have also stolen money from him for a commissary order that was placed on April 27, 2020. The items were not delivered and the money has not been returned to Rashid. The pigs incorrectly believe that they can break up this resistance by breaking Rashid. Rashid can not be broken.

We are asking that comrades and supporters not only share this information as widely as possible but also email and call Pendleton Correctional Facility (contact info listed below) and let them know that WE KNOW what is going on and that Rashid has our full support. These things will not be allowed to go on in the dark. -SWK

Dushan Zatecky, Warden

Shannon Schott, Admin. Sec. to the Warden
sshcott@idoc.IN gov

Charlene A. Burkett, Ombudsman

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