Conduct Unbecoming of IDOC staff

Part One

All of the prisoners being housed at the annex inside the New Castle correctional facility are not honoring the policies that are supposed to govern their actions.

While GEO is a privately ran plantation of its own making. Being ran inside the state of Indiana, ultimately places it and staff running it under the jurisdiction of the Dept. Of Corrections policies.

The policy on shakedowns and searches mandate that when we have the cells, we occupy searched. Officials have a duty to put things fairly back in place. An attempt to maintain good relations between prisoners and staff involved in the shakedown.

The recent searches were blatantly conducted, with a total disregard to the shakedown policy.

In all the prisons I have ever been housed in the past 37 years. Policy mandate that the supervisor’s warden, asst. warden, major, captain, lieutenant, and counselor, and unit team manager, are to walk the unit at least twice a week.

So that we may be able to address our complaints or issues of concern. This policy mandate or directive is not being followed or even honored. Yet when I refuse to follow or honor policy, procedure, or the rules I am writing a conduct report. How then can we make these officials accountable for their inaction in this manufactured environment?

I was trying to have money released from my inmate trust fund. On July 8, 2024, I submitted a remittance to send it to my friend and comrade professor Peter Hudis, who has been in support of my freedom campaign for freedom for the past 24 years. He is also one of my emergency contacts. He has conducted legal and political research for me. It came back to me by mail denied. I needed to show proof of representation.

On august 4, 2024 sent a new remittance in again to peter. They denied it once again. This time no reason was given for the denial. This has slowed down my progress, as i continue to push my case toward my immediate freedom. Part one,

Part Two

Prisoners all around me are saying some rouge staff members have been staging fights inside the annex, purposely doing.

So, to disrupt and stop prisoners from being released from prison. When they put people in these cells with people, they are not compatible with, almost always a fight ensues. When prisoners get hurt. The federal courts call that a violation of the 8th and 14th amendment. Failure to protect a person in their custody. There are a lot of unfortunately sick minded and physically ill prisoners in IDOC. So, I can overstand that female counselors and unit team staff have to be extremely careful. I am not a sick minded or a pervert who uses contact with these women to engage in inappropriate behavior. I respect and love women too much to be disrespectful to them for no reason.

This November 30, 2024, I will be turning 55 years old. I don’t have no time to play games with my captors. Nor do I enjoy being misrepresented by any of these individuals. Who have been given the power over my custody. When I show my respect to anyone, I expect that same respect in return. Hey according to their policy called Information and conduct of departmental staff. States that they are not to engaged in unprofessional conduct not to make the entire department look bad. I have to display professional conduct at all times.

I call upon my loved ones and my freedom campaign, and comrades to expose this unprofessional conduct once you read my words.

All praise be to Allah the one true lord of the worlds.

Power to the people!

The voice of Indiana’s voiceless