IDOC Watch

Against the Movementism of #MeToo, Against Erasure of Gender in Anti-Capitalist Organizing

We need organizations and a mass movement that addresses the interconnectedness of gender, race/nation, and capitalist-imperialism. These do not exist in isolation from one another, therefore we cannot organize in ways that suggest they do. Our revolutionary organizations need to address how women, non-binary, and LGBTQ comrades are harmed by capitalist gender relations, how people of oppressed nationalities are harmed by euro-settlerism and euro-imperialism, and why capitalism creates and depends on such violence. Only then can we move forward, away from the movementist tendencies, characterized by issue-based mass movement organizing that lacks a totalizing vision of the problem or how to solve it, of organizations and movements, such as #MeToo, focusing on gender-based violence and/or prison abolition, and away from the harmful erasure of gender oppression by anti-capitalist organizers across the board.

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