Legal Challenge Forces Confession and Change in Oppressive Picture Policy
Inmates successfully force IDOC to reverse extreme censorship measures.
Inmates successfully force IDOC to reverse extreme censorship measures.
Join FOCUS Initiatives LTD for this unique opportunity!
For nearly 3 years, the VA DOC has been denying a 74-year-old veteran of the United States Air Force his health care.
A diverse grouping of artists, organizers, and educators discuss the centrality of disability to the carceral state.
This partnership fixes the spotlight on vital members of our community that are often ignored and isolated.
On 8/7, learn about the work IDOC Watch does, why we do it, and how you can play a role!
IDOC Watch correspondent describes conditions in the New Castle Annex.
Racial discrimination and illegal practices revealed.
An IDOC Watch correspondent reveals wage theft at CIF.
Calling allies and devoted comrades to take action to move a trans woman incarcerated in a men’s prison.