Please Call! Khalfani Malik Khaldun demands a transfer.

IDOC Watch comrade Khalfani Malik Khaldun has faced retaliation at Westville correctional facility. We are calling on every one of our allies and devoted and concerned comrades to heed this call to ask that Khalfani be transferred from Westville Correctional Facility to the Indiana State Prison.

Please call or email:

  1. Commissioner Christina Reagle:

  2. Northern Regional.Director William Bill Wilson: (317) 234-0323.

  3. Classification Director Jack Hendrix: (317) 232-2233.

  4. Warden of Westville Correctional, John Galipeau: (219) 785-2511 



I am calling to demand that Leonard McQuay #874304 be immediately transferred from Westville Correctional Facility to the Indiana State Prison.

On February 12, 2024, Leonard McQuay (Khalfani Malik Khaldun) is scheduled to be released from Westville control unit where he has been held for the past two years. He has not engaged in any violence while there, nor has he encouraged anyone else to engage in any negative conduct. He has protected and defended nurses who came under verbal disrespect in his unit while he was receiving medical treatment. His actions have led him to face reprisals from correctional staff. 

Recently, the conditions McQuay has faced have become more unbearable and he would like to be transferred to a facility closer to his hometown. 

McQuay is also requesting to be released to general population upon his transfer. He has two years clear of all negative conduct and would like his contact visits reinstated.

We are asking that McQuay be transferred immediately!