Retaliation Against Aaron “Israel” Isby for Seeking Credit Time Restoration

Retaliation Against Aaron “Israel” Isby for Seeking Credit Time Restoration

On 1/27/22, I was called to the prison Chaplain office in OSB2 Building [at Miami CF], after I got off work sometime after 2 p.m… When I got there, I was told by Chaplain Croto that Deputy Warden Jacklyn Scaife would be coming to talk to me. When she arrived, she told me that Jack Hendrix had instructed her to talk with me about my restoration of credit time petition I submitted to Classification on 1/10/22. As we discussed this matter, she tried to distract me by asking me out of the blue, if I was going to attack her? I just brushed this absurd comment off and continued to focus on my issue. I explained to her that I had lost 3 years 4 1/2 months, not 6 years. I had finished my Allen County sentence on August 16, 2003, and should have turned over to my Madison County sentence on this date, not February 25, 2009. I then told her that I was under ten years and I had been eight years clear of conduct, and I received my GED, Braille and Business tech Certification. I then told her I was entitled to restoration of all my previously deprived credit time, all eight years of good behavior and educational credit

Time pursuant to I.C. 35-50-6-3, 35-50-6-3.3, 35-50-6-5(c), and 35-50-6-5.5, and to permanently deny these credits, was an Ex Post Facto Violation. Her response was that IDOC policy prevented them from restoring any Credit time that was deprived, and the only time I would get was 30 days for my Braille Certification? I then told her that the credit time IDOC is refusing to restore, is lengthening my term in prison and I would be entitled to immediate release from prison, if IDOC restores all my credit time? She replied that she never heard such a claim, but she would report to Hendrix and send my paperwork to him for further review and she would get back to me with his reply. 

After this meeting between me and Jacklyn Scaife ended, I left with a bad feeling and my mind was thinking Retaliation. The next day on 1/28/22, I came in after 2p.m., from Braille, and I discovered that the goons had been in my dorm (GHU), going cell to cell trying to find any little thing to write a conduct report on. This was most definitely a retaliatory response stemming from that meeting me and Scaife had. She is trying to win Hendrix favor, and this is another desperate move by IDOC, to find any justification to keep from giving me that credit time and letting me out of prison? I am all of a sudden being attacked, this clown Lt. Bell, who is a racist antagonist, is coming to my cell(G-328), at 1 and 2 a.m., every time he works and intentionally slamming the cuff-port on my cell door disrupting my sleep. Today, on 2/4/22, I was harassed by some Sgt. Cruz, he came to my cell and intentionally smashed my Kosher (lunch) meal and tried to force it in my cell food slot, which was another retaliatory antagonistic move by these officials. They are encouraging these staff here to antagonize and harass me, trying to provoke me to respond, so they can use it as a reason to deny me any relief from this wrongful imprisonment they have sanctioned.