Aaron Isby-Israel Should be Transferred to a Level 1 Facility!

The following was sent by IDOC Watch correspondent Aaron Isby-Israel on March 17, 2024.

My annual classification review was conducted on 2/20/24, and I scored five points. This makes my security level now a level one! I submitted a classification appeal with B. Newman who is overseeing the classification Divisions at Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF) and I submitted it with the IDOC Commissioner Christina Reagle.

My classification appeal requests a transfer to Chain-O-Lakes, a security level one facility. Now, initially, Counselor Shasore at my review on 2/20/24, told me I could not put in a transfer request at my annual review, but, this is a lie, and the IDOC Policy 01-04-101, contradicts this. It is one of my due process rights under the policy; when my annual classification review comes up, I have a right to request a facility transfer.

My reasons for transfer are:

  1. I am a security level one (I score five points)
  2. I am classified F-3 which makes me work-release eligible
  3. Chain-O-Lakes is closer to my home Fort Wayne, so transfer there puts me closer to my family (most of my family is in Ft. Wayne) and/or increases my visits
  4. I will not benefit from the existing program or being housed at Plainfield CF. I am being harassed and disrespected by guards here which will only cause tension, the environment here and the environment I am subjected to here is counter-productive and non-conducive
  5. I am being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment without valid reason, by continuing to be held in a level two security, when I am classified as level one security prisoner. 

How do I transition back into society if I am not being granted a right to transition to a lower security level prison or work release, to prepare me for my ultimate release?