Updates from Bro. Khalfani Khaldun on Repression at Miami CF

Indiana political prisoner Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun is facing serious repression at Miami Correctional Facility.

IDOC Watch conducted the interviews below with Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun during the week of 3/21/22, in order to update the public and Bro. Khalfani’s supporters on the situation as it’s developing. He came off hunger strike over a week ago and has been able to meet with the Deputy Superintendent, George Payne, about some of the issues he is dealing with, but he is still in solitary in the Restricted Housing Unit and is still being charged $100,000 in restitution, and facing harassment and threats from guards and collaborator inmates.

Please write to Bro. Khalfani to express your support! Here is his contact information:

Khalfani M. Khaldun (Leonard McQuay #874304)

Miami CF

3038 West 850 South,

Bunker Hill, IN 46914

Or set up an account at web.connectnetwork.com and locate him in the Indiana DOC database to send him a message.

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