Phone/Email Zap! Contact American Correctional Association During Audit of River North CC

Please call the American Correctional Association during their audit of River North Correctional Center, April 12-14 2022, to inform them of the serious, rampant violations and abuses going on at RNCC! This phone zap is being requested by people incarcerated at RNCC.

Phone: 703 224 0000 &

Inform the ACA of the following issues at RNCC, provided by people locked up there:

* Lack of diversity amongst guards and management.

* Culture of racial violence/cultural insensitivity w/out fear of accountability.

* Contaminated water, green chemical infused within hot water. This substance leaves a stain on clothing, ‘stainless’ steel sinks and toilets.

* Broken or dysfunctional toilets/sinks inside of cells that goes for weeks/months w/out repair.

*Quality of food & portions. Food sometimes rotten or have foreign objects, but still served. Portions doesn’t always meet calorie intake requirements. If housed in the hole/Restrictive Housing Unit (RHU) portions served is reduced to that of a starvation diet.

* Recreational Services: Outdoor is arbitrary and inconsistent and/or cancelled often for unjustifiable reasons. Some housing units targeted by staff as troublesome receive less recreation without proper justification. This also applies to inside recreation as well. Counter to the warden orders, housing management will still deny us recreation.

* Personal Property Issues with illegal and non policy regulated confiscations of items. Conflicts of interest with property staff owning businesses selling the same type of confiscated ‘donated’ merchandise.

* Classification/Annual Reviews/Manipulation of Points to delay or prevent transfers.

* Bogus write ups and charges in order to maintain quota and bed occupancy.

* No accountability of monies from charges/penalties.

* Ghost Trays and Starving of Prisoners while housed in RHU – claiming that they refused their tray/meals.

* Food Tampering – Guards Spitting in Food Trays in RHU

* Promoting and Manipulation of Prisoner on Prisoner Violence. Spreading rumors and lies amongst gang members and other prisoners.

* Mental Torture and harassment of Mentally ILL Prisoners held within RHU. No Proactive Intervention by Mental Health.

In violation of Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) none of the shower areas in any of the housing units have shower curtains which forces prisoners to take showers in full view of staff and other inmates alike. Anyone can look into the shower while we shower.