Corruption Around Every Corner: Updates on Repression from Bro. Khalfani Khaldun

Corruption Around Every Corner

Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun


Back on February 17, 2022, I was removed from population at Miami Correctional Facility after being found guilty on a battery charge where the alleged victim Zachary Bonta, a white prisoner, was never hit by me.

I was found guilty, sanctioned, and sent to segregation for 180 days, and fined $100,000, with many other deprivations. The days spent in the (RHU) segregation unit were some of my worst days. Back there if you’re not careful, you can lose days and lose yourself in the process. From February through June I would be poisoned, starved, and came close to my death, losing over 50 pounds. The food sent to RHU was being laced with rat poison, racine, psychological mind-altering medications, and animal faces.

I became depressed, wanting to let my loved ones and supporters know what was happening to me. But, I was alone, not wanting to die in that unit. And you not having a clue what happened to me. Caused me to remain silent up until now. I began to panic some days, knowing that all my outgoing phone calls were being recorded and listened to. I have since learned that I was the test subject of a chemical/psychological experiment.. I was never asked if I wanted to participate in these experimental games.

My appeal on the battery charge overturned the Class A Battery, which was dropped down to a Battery B-212. They removed the $100,000 restitution penalty. They gave me time served. Instead of releasing me to General Population, they put me in for a statewide transfer.

Before all this shit ever happened, per the negotiated settlement on a recent lawsuit, I should have been transferred to New Castle Correctional Facility. A series of episodes occurred over a 2-3 week period as my anxiety kicked in. I caught or was served four additional new conduct reports that on the surface, appear to have altered the course of my life, and my fight for my freedom.

I am appealing each conduct report because the hearings were all held without me [which goes against IDOC Disciplinary Policy]. I just received guilty verdicts on Friday June 24, 2022.

On May 24, 2022, I was transferred to the Westville Control Unit (WCU) from Miami Correctional Facility. The conditions here are extremely deplorable and filthy. I have never seen such bad conditions existing at WCU [fka the Maximum Control Complex]. All of my property, hygiene, and like $300 in food was intentionally stolen/given away by the unprofessional staff to some so-called prisoner elements who are obviously agents of the prison officials at Miami Correctional Facility.

When I was sent to segregation on February 17, 2022, I packed up my entire cell. So, I know exactly what I had. Now that I am at WCU, I can assess everything that is missing. I will have a lawyer prepare a federal tort and/or civil complaint to try and recover everything they stole from me. They left me with nothing. The medications being put in my food caused me to start forgetting things. I also began to almost sabotage my relationship with my beautiful Black “Queen Penny Kennedy.” I tried to convey to her on multiple occasions what was happening almost everyday. But now I am sure she has somewhat of a clue of what all occurred in my life since February 17, 2022.

To my surprise and delight, on June 6, 2022, the Federal District Court of Southern Indiana (Terre Haute) made a ruling against the defendants in my lawsuit, denying their motion for summary judgment . They were given until June 27, 2022 to abandon their allegations that I failed to exhaust my administrative remedies as an affirmative defense. The federal judge stated that he was putting them on notice that on that defense issue they had lost. They were put on notice to come up with another argument or lose the case. I am confident there will be no new defense, which means they must prepare to set up a negotiation/settlement conference.

You can view/read the judge’s order by going to:

Public Docket

US District Court

Southern District of Indiana (Terre Haute)

Civil Docket for Case # 2:21-cv-00182-JRS-DLP

I will update this message as things come to me! All power to the people who don’t fear freedom.

Self-Determination for Justice,

Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun (Leonard McQuay #874304) A4-207,

WCU, 5501 S. 1100 W.

Westville, IN 46391