Phone/Email Zap for Julius Anderson, Bring Him Back to Indiana!

Please use the below information to reach out to Joel Gruber in regards to Julius Anderson being sent to Mississippi without due cause. Please call and email as much as you can! His family is unable to visit and check on him as he is so far away from home. He is being mistreated in the facility he is in now and the family is trying to have him moved back to Indiana ASAP. He is been put in unsafe situations multiple times since being moved, one of which included being stripped down in front of officers of the opposite sex and left there to be humiliated. He has been denied basic necessities like commissary, clothing, boxers and toilet paper. He has also been forced to stay in quarters with people infected with COVID-19 while not himself being sick. The conditions he is being held under are inhumane and he needs to be moved back to Indiana immediately.

Joel Gruber: Interstate Corrections Compact Transfer Coordinator 302 W Washington St Rm E-334, IGCS Indianapolis, IN 46204

PH: 317-232-5972


“Joel Gruber, I am contacting you today on behalf of Julius Anderson DOC #197400. He was transferred to Mississippi Correctional Facility on November 4, 2021. He needs to be moved back to Indiana. He has a right to be near his family and moving him out of state has taken that right away from him. His charges are in the state of Indiana and therefore he needs to be allowed to finish out his sentence in the state of Indiana. He is being mistreated where he is, and it is unacceptable that he is not being given the fair and humane treatment he deserves. He has been denied basic necessities like commissary, clothing, boxers and toilet paper. He has also been exposed to other inmates with COVID-19 while not himself being ill. We are asking that you move him back to Indiana immediately and start providing the necessities he deserves as a human being. His being transferred to Mississippi was wrongful in the first place. Thank you.”