Urgent Phone/Email Zap! Khalfani Must Be Moved to a Medical Facility Immediately!

Brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun (s/n Leonard McQuay #874304), a long-term Indiana political prisoner, is being tortured with medical neglect at the Westville Control Unit.

Khalfani was taken out to have a cyst the size of two marbles that has been growing on his left temple removed on 10/18/22. Westville medical staff tried and failed to surgically remove the cyst twice, and then put Khalfani back in his cell, telling him that he would be taken to an outside clinic to have it removed.

On Nov. 4, Khalfani was transported to a clinic 4 hours away from Westville to have the cyst examined. During the journey, he was not allowed to use the restroom, and began to experience serious abdominal pain as a result of being forced to hold his urine. The same occurred on the way back to Westville, and the result has been that Mr. McQuay has been suffering from extreme abdominal pain, swelling in his genitals, legs, and feet , and has been unable to control his bladder since Nov. 4. He has never experienced these types of issues in his life, and he is concerned that he is experiencing some type of organ failure (possibly liver failure). Despite repeated attempts to get the issues addressed appropriately by Westville CF medical staff, through the proper channels, no serious attempt has been made to address the abdominal/bladder issues adequately, nor has the cyst been removed.

Please listen to Khalfani’s testimony below and read the message he sent us, and then make calls and send emails demanding that he be transferred to a medical facility immediately!

Dorothy Livers, Westville Health Services Administrator:

Office: (219) 785-2511 ext. 4831

Cell: (219) 575-0006

IDOC HQ Medical Division:

(317) 232-5711 ext. 3

Dr. Kristen Dauss, IDOC Chief Medical Officer: KDauss1@idoc.in.gov

Script: “Hello, I am [calling/emailing] on behalf of Leonard McQuay #874304. Mr. McQuay is in IDOC custody at the Westville Control Unit and is suffering from multiple serious health issues which aren’t being appropriately addressed despite repeated attempts to get them addressed through the proper channels. Please ensure that Mr. McQuay is moved to a medical facility or intensive care unit immediately to have the cyst on his temple and the abdominal/bladder issues he is experiencing addressed with the urgency they require!”