Urgent Email/Phone Zap! Khalfani Continues to be Tortured with Medical Neglect at Westville CF!

Please use the below information to reach out to superintendent John Galipeau, Deputy Warden Gann, and Head of Nurses Nicole Bridegroom in regards to the situation faced by Leonard McQuay (Khalfani Malik Khaldun) at Westville Correctional Facility. Please call and email as much as you can! McQuay has been moved from the infirmary back to the Westville Control Unit (WCU) while his catheter has remained in place. The doctors at Franciscan Health in Michigan City, Indiana hospital advised him that he would not be sent back to the WCU until the catheter was removed.  McQuay is facing severe medical neglect at the hands of the IDOC and deserves to be moved to a facility where he has access to running water and a toilet when needed. Please see the recent posts on idocwatch.org/blog-1 for more information about the torturous medical neglect Khalfani has been experiencing at the hands of Westville and IDOC officials since October 2022.

Westville CF Superintendent John Galipeau

(219) 785-2511 ext. 8 ext. 1 ext. 1

Head of Nurses Nicole Bridegroom: (219) 785-2511 ext. 4831

Deputy Warden Gann: kngann@idoc.in.gov 

IDOC Medical Director Kristen Dauss: KDauss1@idoc.in.gov

Email or phone script:

“Warden John Galipeau [Deputy Warden Gann; Head of Nurses Nicole Bridegroom], I am contacting you today on behalf of Leonard McQuay DOC #874304. McQuay is facing severe medical neglect as a result of his transfer to the Westville Control Unit before his catheter has been removed. Medical professionals at Franciscan Health advised that he would not be moved from the infirmary until the catheter had been removed. McQuay is facing severe neglect and the possibility of a urinary tract infection due to his condition. We ask that McQuay be readmitted to either the hospital or the infirmary where he has access to medical staff until his catheter is removed. We also ask that McQuay have an appointment with the doctors at Franciscan Hospital who advised that the catheter should have been removed over three weeks ago. Thank you.”