In Memory of Comrade Sanyika Shakur

To: The revolutionary New Afrikan masses.

From: Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun.

Recently, I received a notice and newsletter on the life and history on comrade Sanyika Shakur, who I was introduced to through our esteemed comrade and brother Shaka Shakur while we were fighting the war for survival in the trenches of the Maximum Control Complex in Westville, Indiana.

Comrade Sanyika Shakur was an extremely prolific writer and theoretician. He sent me his initial book, The Life of a LA Crip Gang Member. We began to exchange a series of political correspondence that led to a very strong comradeship between New Afrikan political prisoners.

We began to share ideas on establishing the Family and Friends Campaign to Free Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun. Sanyika Shakur was the epitome of a souljah for all oppressed people. He helped me get publicity on the state of Indiana charging me with the death of a prison guard in 1994. Through his guidance, I was brought in contact with a lot of radical left wing organizations who still to this day lend me their support and extend me a loving shoulder to lean on from time to time.

Sanyika also helped me perfect our definition of today’s political prisoner that became politicized since entering prison.

So, once I read the report of this brave and courageous freedom fighter’s transition to the ancestors, I was extremely shocked and saddened by his loss. Many would like to write this comrade off because he could never stay out of these plantations for very long.

However, these same critics would never take the time to learn this comrade’s struggle. A life overshadowed by gangs and an unshakable drug addiction, yet he still managed to protect and serve the people and his community. With a perfect constancy he wrote powerful essays that helped to educate the public. As to what was really going on in the everyday lives of men and women in U S plantations. His work and solidarity with other long time prisoners of war and political prisoners awakened many. 

I have to say that my life was made better having that comrade in it.The prison industrial complex’s entire mission to destroy all organizations in amerikkka who pose the greatest threat to national security is being won by them using these prisons as weapons of mass destruction. They are keeping us in these places by using conduct reports to rob us of our earned good time, which ultimately, disrupts our release from prison. Having comrades like Sanyika Shakur, Shaka Shakur, Lincoln “Lokmar” Love, Balagoon, Israel, and so many more on the path to guide us was a great blessing.

These men I will always honor and consider to be the examples of new afrikan manhood, in the same tradition of Comrade George Jackson. The extraordinary men of valor. I pledge to continue the work these brothers taught me when I was just in the infancy stages of my political transformation. I now ask our ancestors to guide our comrade Sanyika Shakur’s spirit to the paradise his service earned. I will never forget you, Sanyika Shakur. Until we meet again. I will extend to you a 21 gun salute.

All power to the people!
A luta continua!
Uhuru Sasa!
Forever your comrade,
Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun, the voice of the voiceless in Indiana

Photo: A recent picture of Sanyika Shakur.