Abolition Cookout in Indy July 7th

Abolition Cook-Out & Conversation (1)-page-001.jpg

IDOC Watch in coalition with other community and non-profit organizations will be having its monthly discussion on prison abolition this July 7th at 1pm in Brookside Park, Indianapolis.

From the Facebook event:

For July, we’re trying a new model for our discussions on abolition: a cook-out open to the community, with free food and games, along with presentations and a discussion. The event will take place in Brookside Park, at the shelter on Brookside Park S Dr.

This month’s topic, in light of the ongoing Great Return March struggle in Palestine, we will be focusing on the parallels in repression between mass incarceration in the US and the occupation of Palestine. The event will feature presentations by the Muslim Youth Collective on the Great Return March and political prisoners, and a presentation by the American Friends Service Committee on the “deadly exchange” of police training and technology between the Israeli Occupation Forces and US police departments.

As usual, we will hear written and recorded responses from comrades incarcerated in Indiana, to the book “Freedom is a Constant Struggle”, by Angela Davis. For people on the outside who wish to inform themselves on the topic prior to the event, we recommend reading the articles posted in the event!