Inmates Suffer Extreme Heat in Pendleton

Earlier this month we assisted the inmates at Pendleton in demanding the air conditioning and ventilation be turned on during these days of extreme heat. The pressure from the inmates and outside supporters succeeded in getting Pendleton to respond.

SInce then Pendleton administration has quietly turned off the air conditioning and ventilation in E dorm. Several inmates who have protested are being threatened with disciplinary write-ups. Reports are that temperatures are so extreme that inmates may pass out from the heat. The situation has caused desperation and tensions are mounting.

Please call the facility and main office of the IDOC and demand the air in E dorm be switched on.


Warden Dushan Zatecky: (765) 778-2107.
Deputy Commissioner James Basinger: 317-232-5723
Governor Eric Holcomb: (317) 232-4567

Sample Script:
“Hello I am calling because I’m concerned about the health and safety of inmates on E dorm of Pendleton Correctional Facility. There is currently no air conditioning or proper ventilation in this part of the prison. Inmates are at extreme risk and high temperatures can even be deadly to some. Some inmates have stated that they are facing retaliation for reporting on the situation. Please ensure that temperatures are kept at a habitable level and ventilation is sufficient”