Update on Repression Faced by ISP Protest Organizers


Update 9/19/18: Since we have learned that charges have been filed and there is an open investigation, we are asking people to hold off on making calls and sending letters until further notice. It is believed that at this point it is best not to instigate the prosecutor. Please look for more updates as we move forward. 

Update 9/18/18: We have just learned today that charges were filed against Leslie in LaPorte County and she has a warrant out for her arrest. We’ve also learned that Aaron being put on non-contact visitation status for a year.

We have received word from protest leader Leslie Hernandez’s son Aaron McDonald, that Aaron has been found guilty of the trumped-up trafficking charges we reported on earlier by the administration of Indiana State Prison. The “trial” was a complete sham – he was convicted solely on the basis of a confidential report by the corrupt Internal Affairs investigator who interrogated him. He is being held in segregation and is facing 6 months of segregation, the loss of 120 days of credit time he has already earned, and being moved from Credit Class 1 to Credit Class 2, meaning that instead of receiving 1 day of credit time for every day of good time served, he will now only receive one day of credit time per two days of good time served. 

 Leslie has also received a letter banning her from the facilities of ISP.  

How you can help:

Phone Zap

 Please call Warden Ron Neal, IDOC Commissioner Richard Carter Jr., and Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb, and demand that the baseless and fabricated charges against Aaron and the cruel gate closure and phone restriction that have been imposed on Leslie be rescinded!

 Office of ISP Warden Ron Neal: (219) 874-7258

IDOC Commissioner Richard Carter Jr.: (317) 232-5711 – ask to speak to Chief Counsel Robert Bugher

Governor Eric Holcomb: (317) 232-4567

 Sample Script:

 “Indiana State Prison Warden Ron Neal and his staff are retaliating against Leslie Hernandez and her son Aaron McDonald, DOC #159447, by fabricating trafficking charges against them in order to prevent them from communicating, because they have exposed the inhumane conditions and rampant abuse in ISP. I am contacting you to demand that the baseless trafficking charges against Aaron (#159447), case #ISP 18-09-0078, be dropped and he be returned to general population immediately. Further, I demand that the gate closure and phone restriction imposed on Leslie, which amount to cruel and unusual punishment, be rescinded immediately.”


Letter Writing & Letter Writing Events

 If you or your organization would like to organize an event to write letters of support to Aaron and letters to authorities demanding that the trafficking charges, gate closure, and phone restriction be dropped, please get in touch with IDOC Watch and we will help facilitate that. Reach us at  idocwatch@gmail.com or message our Facebook or Twitter.

Mailing addresses:

Warden Ron Neal

Indiana State Prison

1 Park Row
Michigan City, IN 46360


Commissioner Robert E. Carter Jr.

302 W. Washington Street, Room E-334
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Governor Eric Holcomb

Office of the Governor
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2797


You can also email Governor Eric Holcomb with the sample script above, subject heading “Stop Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Prisoner Advocates”, by following this link.


Letters and Emails to State Legislators about this situation would also be help. You can find your state representatives contact information at this link.