Urgent Call-In: Medical Abuse at Indiana State Prison

Marvin Ford #114326 is an inmate at Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, IN. Recently Mr. Ford, a diabetic, was induced into diabetic shock through the mismanagement of medical staff at the facility. Mr. Ford was administered an unknown amount of insulin after a year without receiving any such treatment and no consultation of his medical history. He had to be taken to an outside medical facility for treatment where he was shackled to the bed for an unknown period. When Mr. Ford awoke the wounds on his wrists and legs were so deep to have caused nerve damage. Additionally wounds of unknown origin were found on his abdomen. At no point was Mr. Ford’s wife and emergency contact notified of the situation. ISP is refusing to document Mr. Ford’s wounds, nor are they acknowledging any attempt from his friends and family to inquire about his situation. It is clear that this is yet another example of ISP’s medical neglect and brutal use of force on its inmates.

IDOC Watch is asking supporters to call:

Warden Ron Neal
tel: (219) 874-7258

IDOC Commissioner
Robert Carter
tel: (317) 232-5711

And demand that Marvin Ford’s wounds and current medical condition be documented and made available to him as well that he receive the proper medical attention for his diabetic condition.

Sample Script:
“I am calling today about inmate Marvin Ford #114326. Recently Mr. Ford experienced a diabetic shock caused by neglectful medical staff and had to be rushed to the hospital where he was unnecessarily shackled by custody personnel. Mr. ford received deep wounds on his wrists and legs as well as his abdomen. I am requesting that the prison document Mr. Ford’s wounds and current medical/physical condition and see that he is treated properly for his diabetes.”

In most cases you will have to dial to reach an administrative assistant or operator. If the warden or commissioner are not in, leave a message with the assistant or voicemail. And be sure to let us know how your calls go!
