Phone & Email Zap: Free Martin Horst! Vulnerable inmates exposed to COVID-19 at Marion Co. Jail 2 CCA

We recently received word from Martin Horst’s mother and fiance about the dangerous situation he is in, as someone incarcerated with a respiratory condition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow us for upcoming actions to release Martin and other incarcerated people so that they aren’t killed by COVID-19!

An inmate at Jail 2 was recently isolated after being confirmed as having COVID-19. The person with COVID-19 wasn’t quarantined until after showing symptoms, which means he had likely spread the disease far and wide already by the time it was tested, because the most contagious period of the disease is when the person who has it doesn’t yet have symptoms!!!

Martin Horst is at Marion County Jail 2 CCA located in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is a non-violent inmate. He also has really bad asthma. They recently moved him from the medical floor back to regular population where they smoke at. He was also told there were 20-30 inmates that tested positive for the virus. When they moved them, the inmates were told it was for painting, but later staff told inmates that there were inmates who were infected in their old dock. Martin’s out date is May 31st, 2020. He had a old warrant from 2017 for violating probation and been locked up ever since November. He has suffered many nights because of his asthma. All they gave him was a inhaler which doesn’t give him the help he needs some nights. Please help us. He would be much safer at home and he has less than 2 months left on his sentence!

The Indiana state government has given counties permission to release inmates according to their own discretion. Please call and email Marion County Sheriff Kerry Forestal to demand that Martin Horst #782863 and all vulnerable inmates be released, and that enough inmates be released so that those who remain can practice social distancing according to CDC guidelines!

Marion County Sheriff’s Office

call 317.327.1700


Sample script:

“Hello, I am [calling/emailing] on behalf of Martin Horst #782863 and all medically vulnerable inmates in Marion County jails. All medically vulnerable inmates should be released immediately for their protection, and enough inmates should be released so that those who remain can practice social distancing according to CDC guidelines!

Jail 2 Covid-19.png