Call & Email to Stop Mass Murder by Indiana Prison Authorities During COVID-19 Pandemic

Right now the prisons and jails throughout the country are potential disaster zones for widespread outbreak. Indiana has the most overcrowded corrections system in the country. Its medical care is run by incompetent private corporations. IDOC is even preventing inmates from wearing masks under threat of disciplinary action. It is not a matter of “if” but “when” the crisis breaks out, and kills many many people. Once the virus is in the prisons, it will spread like wildfire, as shown by the experience of Rikers Island in NYC and Cook County Jail in Chicago.

The virus is most contagious when people who have it don’t have symptoms, which can last up to two weeks. Therefore, PREVENTION MEASURES CAN’T BE EFFECTIVE WITHOUT SOCIAL DISTANCING AND TESTING!!!

There are already confirmed cases in multiple Indiana prisons and jails. See articles posted below for more information.

Other states, including Kentucky, Illinois, and California have already approved different plans to release vulnerable prisoners. Indiana is making no effort to do so.

We need as many people as possible to call the governor, Chief Justice, and commissioner of the Department of Correction and demand the release of all vulnerable, senior, and immuno-compromised inmates. We must demand health care on request and without co-pay. We must demand free phone calls and video visitation while prison visits are suspended.

There are over 5000 inmates in IDOC custody who have less that a year on their sentence who should be released immediately to make social distancing possible. Read the plan here:

The time is now, we must act before it is too late. If you’re not convinced, please read this article:

Governor Holcomb
Send him an email at this link:

Indiana Supreme Court: 317-232-2540

IDOC Commissioner Robert Carter
317-232-5711 &

Sample Script:
“Hello, I am [calling/emailing] because I believe the only responsible and humane response to the outbreak of coronavirus is to immediately release all senior and vulnerable inmates from Indiana prisons and jails. There are over 5000 inmates in IDOC custody with less than one year left on their sentence who should be released immediately in order to make social distancing possible inside the prisons. Additionally all current inmates need to be given medical attention upon request without co-pay, and permission to wear masks per CDC guidelines. Finally, all phone calls and video visits should be free for as long as visitation is restricted. The state government must act swiftly to prevent mass murder of inmates by Indiana prisons and jails.”
