Solidarity Letter from Christopher Brooks, Incarcerated at Westville CF

This is a letter from Christopher Brooks, to a member of our collective. Christopher Brooks is locked up at Westville Correctional Facility.  He believes that he has COVID-19 because he’s been showing symptoms.  He’s lost his sense of taste among other things:

“Bro first I want to say that im proud of everything U an the Brothers are doing for everybody thats locked up. All the talks we had on lock up about our people marching against racial, social inequality going against vicious police dogs, being spit on, beat up by racist ass pigs. But they kept pushing.

The BLA kept pushing despite of how they was targeted by the local police and the fbi they never gave up. The Panthers kept pushing even when the fascist government tried to divide and turn the brothers and sisters against each other. Now your a part of the same Struggle the same fight the same united front.

Your a part of history now. im glad your my Brother, marching for change in the way we are being treated in here doing this pandemic. Shit they can’t kill us using the police no more so i guess this is what they came up with. Covid-19 virus. Im glad your speaking out about this Virus and demanding they release everybody because here at westvile prison the higher ups is doing the bear minimal. They tell us to turn our laundry in every week to be washed but the sheets come back dirty with stains still on them because the laundry officer Ms. Perez isn’t using enough bleach or soap powder on our clothes. thats a big problem.

Also in this dorm we are not being given bleach to clean with it’s just basic cleaning material germicide an for the showers lime away every now an then. Also we are not being given gloves to wear but the officers are except a select few of us who was able to get gloves. The masks are flimsy because when U wash them with soap they tear up. Everybody should’ve been issued brand new bedding and whites because of germs and how easily this covid-19 Virus can spread. we also should’ve been issued brand new mattresses because they told us to clean ours but wont give us any bleach to do it with. Also the hand sanitizer has no alcohol in it, and we’ve only had one bottle for a dorm of over 100 people, and that bottles been weeks ago.”