Racist Miami CF Officials Conspire to Prolong Incarceration of Angaza Bahar! Angaza Assaulted & Thrown in Solitary!

Monday morning, 6/08/20, Disciplinary Hearing Officer M. Grove assaulted Angaza (Jimmy Jones #891782). She pushed him while he was in her office to pick up the paperwork for filing an appeal of the bogus conduct reports she recently found him guilty of, delaying his release from prison by two months.

Tuesday afternoon, he was moved into administrative segregation, to a cell with a broken toilet overflowing with urine and feces, “pending investigation,” which likely means MCF officials are considering charging him with assaulting officer Grove, and extending his sentence even further. It is also worth mentioning that Angaza was also randomly assaulted by a white prisoner he had never even spoken to before, last week, and after the incident they were both put back on the same unit. The person who assaulted him told him it wasn’t personal, which suggests someone put him up to it. This wouldn’t be the first time MCF officials have instigated other incarcerated people to attack Angaza – last year they tried to get a gang to attack him by spreading a rumor that he was responsible for their unit being on lockdown.

Angaza was scheduled to be released this Thursday after nearly 27 years locked in IDOC’s cages. These bogus conduct reports and attacks are clearly a conspiracy by Miami CF officials to unjustifiably prolong his imprisonment. We believe Internal Affairs Officer Dice, who is M. Grove’s superior officer and has a history of organizing targeted repression against prison activists, is responsible for the repression Angaza is being subjected to. Indeed, Grove’s father, who also works at MCF and has a reasonable attitude, spoke with Angaza recently and pointed out to him that Grove was probably “just following orders.”

Last week, Hearing Officer M. Grove found Angaza guilty of two alleged conduct violations dating from early May. In violation of IDOC Policy & Procedure 02-04-101, “The Disciplinary Code for Adult Offenders,” he was not allowed to be present at the hearing for conduct report MCF 20-05-0173, “interfering with staff,” because M. Grove levied the harshest sanction possible against him for “aiding in the possession of unauthorized property,” and then walked away when he protested that decision. Then she found him guilty of “Interfering with statf,” without allowing him a hearing or the right to review the evidence.

Angaza sent us this message to share with the movement, about the racist treatment and violations of due process he is experiencing, which are similar in so many ways to how the police murdered George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Dreasjon Reed, and McHale Rose, among many others:

This message is intended to inform the public on the blatant racial discrimination that exists here at the Miami Correctional Facility. I am a 45yr Afrikan in amerikkka who was been incarcerated for the past 26 1/2 years for the crime of the attempted murder of an Indianapolis police officer back on Nov. 30, 1993.

Though the evidence in the case clearly showed that the officer was never shot and none of the rounds i fired that night hit anything near him, the state of indiana still charged and convicted me of attempted murder and sentenced me to 48yrs. Having served well over half of my sentence and earning 50+ certificates of achievement i should of been freed over 6yrs ago but through the blatant abuse of the disciplinary process officials within IDOC have managed to extend my incarceration with bogus charges, ranging from missing my door at roll-in, to allegedly calling a guard a racist prick.

Which brings me to my latest battle with this racist system. Recently i received two rule violations. One involved the theft of a sweater. My involvement was that i handed a guy, a white prisoner, a sweater that he proceeded to remove from the area that we were in. I was charged with aiding him, yet DHO Grove chose to give me a harsher sanction than this white prisoner who actually stole the sweater, and whose recent conduct history is 10 times wore than mine. We were both scheduled to go home this Thursday, and while this white prisoner gets to keep his out-date, I must remain another 60 days.

Disciplinary Hearing Officer M Grove, a white lady, has chosen to impose sanctions on me that would prolong my incarceration. Once again this is nothing new when it comes to myself. I’m a very out spoken critic of IDOC and its blatant abuse and disregard for its own policy, indiana statutes, and basic constitutional laws. I have been in prison for over 26yrs, well past my original out date and despite the fact that i have assaulted no one, been found in possession of no drugs nor dangerous weapons, failed any drug screening, nor am i a part of a gang (STG member), the administration here at MCF has chosen 2 to impose the harshest sanction allowed by the disciplinary process for so called “aiding someone in possession of unauthorized property.” Keep in mind that my disciplinary record has me clear of any serious rule violations for almost 2yrs. DHO Grove has sanctioned me excessively, in violation of disciplinary policy, which clearly states that disciplinary sanctions “shall be progressive in nature,” meaning in accordance with the prisoner’s over all conduct. Compare my record with the white prisoner who actually stole the property, Jimmie Robbins #189787, who has recent violations for weapons and drugs, and it is clear that i am the target of this admin, who seeks to rob me of my freedom due to my political beliefs. I have written this to share with all of you out there, who at the moment have risen up to demand change to a racist system, to show you how that system is being carried out behind these walls where cellphone cameras cannot stream it live, yet it remains all the more real. I am a victim of this racist injustice and like our beloved brother George Floyd, I too cannot breathe, they are slowly suffocating the life from me.

These people are literally trying to kill me in here. Monday I was physically assaulted by DHO M. Grove when I went to the OSB phase 1 to attempt to get my hearing reports from the hearing that she denied me the opportunity to participate in. As i was asking for the paper work, Grove placed her hands on my chest and forcibly shoved me out of the door way. I made no threatening move towards her nor any verbal threats, so for her to put her hands on me in the manner in which she did is a criminal act under indiana law and I want to press charges. The entire incident was caught on video so there is evidence to support my claim.

Also when i was checked out by medical my blood pressure was off the charts due to all the stress they have me under. I am afraid to seek medical treatment because the last time i did so i was written up and lost my good time behind it. Please make sure u post all of this and encourage all our comrades to stand with us in this fight against the injustice that is being carried out here at MCF against me.

Email IDOC Chief Counsel Robert Bugher: rbugher@idoc.in.gov

And call IDOC Central Office: (317) 232-5711, ext. 2, ext, 3, ext. 1


“I am [writing/emailing] to demand that the charges against Jimmy Jones #891782 at Miami CF be dropped and he be released immediately! He was not afforded the due process he is entitled to under IDOC Policy & Procedure “The Disci
plinary Code for Adult Offenders in case number MCF 20-05-0173, in that the hearing was held in his absence and he was not provided the evidence against him. He is also the victim of racial discrimination in the conduct report for “aiding in the possession of unauthorized property,” for which the other person involved, a white person, did not have credit time taken, but Mr. Jones lost 60 days, despite Mr. Jones having no recent major conduct violations, and the other person having many. Also, he has now been moved to A/S “pending investigation” after officer Grove assaulted him, and Central Office needs to review that video. The toilet in the cell he is in needs to be fixed, as it has been broken for days and is overflowing with urine and feces. There is a clear pattern of targeted harassment against Mr. Jones by staff and officials at MCF, obviously designed to extend his incarceration or kill him.”

