Phone & Email Zap: End G-House restrictions at Wabash Valley CF!

Brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun is a revolutionary New Afrikan political prisoner currently caged at Wabash Valley CF, Indiana. Bro. Khalfani has dealt with frequent retaliation for his struggles against prison abuse. Currently, Bro. Khalfani is being held in Housing Unit G, a segregation unit with extreme restrictions on prisoners’ access to programs, educational and religious services, recreation, and social interaction. 

As Bro. Khalfani explains, “The G-Housing Unit has to be exposed as a warehouse dungeon specifically used for prisoners they want out of the way. They want me isolated, and out of the reach of some people, even if doing so violates the law and the Constitution.”

Please call in support of Bro. Khalfani and other prisoners’ demands: 

  1. Leonard McQuay #874304 must be transferred out of G-House immediately.

  2. All prisoners with one year or more must be released to general population.

  3. G-House must become unrestricted and opened up as a General Population Unit and not modified segregation.

  4. All padlocks must be removed from every door in G-House.

  5. All prisoners must be given 30-day and 90-day reviews, just like it is done in other Restricted Movement Units.

Calls and emails should be made to:

Wabash Valley Superintendent Frank Vanihel

Phone: (812) 398-5050 ext. 2, ext. 8


Wabash Valley OII Director Fernelle McDonald


IDOC Commissioner Robert Carter

Phone: 317-232-6711