Report on Corruption & Abuse at Madison CF

Part One

To whom it may concern;

I am writing this to be 100% clear. I take full responsibility for my actions. I have violated facility rules while incarcerated. However, officers are supposed to be held at a higher standard. Individuals in a position of power should never be allowed to be above that power.

In 2016 I was approached by a sergeant about trafficking drugs into the facility. After a month long discussion, we came to an agreement. I was already moving large amounts of tobacco into the facility. Most of the staff, including the individual who approached me, already knew this. At the time Madison Correctional Facility had 3 different “stores”. These “stores” sold a variety of products, and the proceeds went to different programs, SUPPOSEDLY. To purchase items an offender would purchase “store cards” in increments of $5 with their name on it. More often than not, they would trade me the cards for tobacco. It was not at all I unusual for me to spend between $150-$350 weekly at the stores. At one point the superintendent Jan Davis “banned” the use of store cards what weren’t issued to you.

When I learned I couldn’t spend money at the stores with cards I acquired with tobacco sales, I refused to spend any money at the stores for 2 weeks, and passed a message to Jan Davis via her “clerk” offender Brittany Young, that store sales would drop dramatically with this “ban” in place. The ban was dropped. A lot of money was funneled through those stores, and the powers that were, knew exactly where that money came from. It was NO secret. The sergeant was utilizing another officer to obtain the money “from drop sales” of the heroin we were selling. He was also having an affair with another offender. We operated like this for like months, when finally some other girl got caught with heroin and told them where it was coming from. I was shackled out placed under investigation, and moved to lock-up IWP.

Central Office handled the investigation. They were under the impression I was having a sexual affair with sergeant Carver. While he was having several sexual affairs with other girls, this was not the case with me. Long story short – I was sanctioned on a class A CAB for trafficking and a B for possession. I was released [from segregation] in September 2016.

I tell you ALL of this, so you understand the issue existed when I was returned to MCU in January 2020. I was responsible in part of the mess in 2016. I however served my time and paid for that mistake. NOTHING happened to sergeant Carver. He is married to a former inmate and still resides in Madison. When I returned to MCU it was clear from day one they had a vendetta that I was targeted, singled out, and harassed. What I experienced was retaliation. I truly feel like the Lt. who assaulted me needs to be held accountable. As well as the captain that allowed me to be put into black box trip gear and left on the ground in an UNHEATED garage. That is inappropriate and cruel. Even animals deserve better treatment.

Any help to hold this facility accountable is GREATLY appreciated.


Sarah McIntosh #151842

Part Two

My name is Sarah McIntosh and I am currently incarcerated at REF for violating my probation out of Marion county, Superior Court UM 1. I was transferred from MCU to RCF due to “disciplinary issues”. There is most definitely truth in that. I am guilty of violating the code of conduct. I’m guilty of violating probation also. I have no issue admitting fault, or taking responsibility. That is part of the game. But somewhere along the way the rules of the game changed, and the staff at MCU were allowed to handle things in a very unprofessional manner.

In 2016 was housed at MCU. Keeping a very long story short, I was approached by a sergeant about selling drugs inside the facility. I agreed, and so began a very lucrative partnership. In short, someone told and I was sent to IWP under investigation.

Here it is 2020 and I was classified to IWP. I am incarcerated on a VOP and I also have an F4 felony detainer. Needless to say, I never thought I would be sent back to IWP. I was transferred to IWP, within my first week there, I received paperwork stating I was being sent to MCU.

From the moment my feet touched the ground at Madison, MULTIPLE staff members made their way to where I was filling out paper work making comments about the previous incident and my return. I was told by a dorm officer that there was a meeting centered around my return.

Many derogatory comments were made about me behind closed doors and also directly to me. I was drug tested “for cause” by IA a couple times, testing negative. I was searched MULTIPLE times “for cause”. None of these Searches even yielded contraband.

One of the Sergeants (Sgt. Love) stuck my daughters pictures together and stuck them in a dirty bowl during a search. While destroying my property she loudly went on about the incident from 2016 so that all the offenders could hear her. I went to the shift office to speak with her superior and was denied access. She made me go into an office off camera and threatened me.

I filed a grievance and it went nowhere. IA would “confiscate” my mail and hold it for weeks on end. The 1st week of March I received mail from Jan 25th, I was constantly and continually harassed.

I was depressed and becoming increasingly agitated. I knew that if I got any class B write ups, that there was a good chance I’d get transferred back to RCF. And I absolutely wanted that. I was exhausted and simply did not care anymore.

I drank hand sanitizer in order to get drunk and was acting entirely irrational. An officer came to my room, and called for Sgt. May. Him and I got into a verbal altercation, so I walked away to the day room to calm down. Lt. Bischoff came and ordered me to go to the center with him. I expressed that I did not feel it was appropriate to go off camera. He ordered me to do so. So I did. Once in the center I was verbally belligerent (drunk) and Lt. Bischoff ordered me to cuff up.

I complied, once cuffed, he spun me back around and I proceeded to call him a “bitch”. Lt. Bischoff slammed me to the ground in handcuffs, out of anger, while Sgt. May and another officer (all male) watched. I was taken to medical where Lt Bischoff tried to physically make me take pictures by grabbing my head. I was very angry and I did not want that man touching me. I then complied with a breathalyzer.

Then I was taken to the back Sally port (which is in essence a big garage). I was placed in black box trip gear, and leg shackles and told I had to stay in the back, but that I would not be transported. It was around 35 degrees and the back sally part was not heated. I was in shorts and a t-shirt. The Sergeant put a piece of card board on the ground for me to lay on. I was shivering so they covered me with work crew yellows until I was brought a blanket. I had a massive black eye and knot on my temple. I was back there until 9 am the next morning. All of the above events were on camera. I called Terry McCart, my fiancé, support, and power of attorney. I told him what happened and expresse
d that I did not feel safe within that facility. Later that night Lt. Bischoff came to my room (on camera) and asked if I had a problem. I said no. In the week following the incident, I was also threatened by Sgt. May. I was told to stop talking about what happened before things got worse for me. Then he turned around and apologized, saying “you know I wasn’t okay with what happened to you”. Terry scheduled you” Terry scheduled a video visit to see my face and take pictures. I was written up for “out of place” because the visit was scheduled on another dorm. Multiple offenders had visits on other dorms. But I was written up.

Shortly after I contacted ombudsman. I also wrote several Informal grievances. All of which were returned. Then MCU took Terry off my phone list. My treatment got ten times worse at Madison.

So I caught 2 more class B’s and was shackled out.

I have heard NOTHING about the supposed “investigation”. Terry is still unable to video visit me or be on my phone list. When MCU shackled me out they only allowed me 2 boxes of property and very conveniently kept ALL my paperwork. this effectively prevented me from appealing my CAB’s or having any type of documentation. I was physically assaulted. I was bullied mentally and emotionally. Since my return to RCF, I have had no conduct or behavior issues at all. MCU is notorious for having issues with staff.

Inappropriate, unprofessional and flat out wrong. Jan Davis is just as guilty. She is entirely aware of the mistreatment of offenders he even promotes it. She is very aware of trafficking and drug abuse, yet covers it up. Someone needs to hold this facility, its, employees, and most of all Jan Davis, accountable.

Sarah McIntosh



Images below are pictures of the injuries Sarah sustained during the assault by Madison CF staff.