Urgent Phone Zap! Aaron Isby-Israel Facing Retaliation and Harassment at Plainfield CF!

For the past two weeks, Aaron Isby #892219 has been facing escalating harassment at Plainfield CF. The harassment began because Aaron has court deadlines for legal issues he is working on related both to his own freedom and civil rights abuses in the DOC. Last week, Mr. Isby was not provided passes to the law library when he should have been, until his supporters called repeatedly and contacted all of the relevant authorities. Finally he received a pass to the library mid-week. The following day, however, his unit (West L), was placed on lockdown and remained locked down for multiple days, allegedly due to a fist fight on the dorm (which Mr. Isby had nothing to do with and the perpetrators of which were removed from the dorm shortly after the incident.) So he was again prevented from using the law library. Then, on 1/11/24 between 12:30am and 1:00am, at Plainfield Correctional Facility, two male Nigerian guards entered Mr. Isby’s cell, woke him and his cellmate up, and ransacked their cell, throwing all of their food and clothes on the floor. This is clear harassment and retaliation for the grievances and complaints Mr. Isby has made regarding being denied access to the law library while he is up against crucial court deadlines that the administration and law library staff are fully aware of.

Please call Plainfield CF and IDOC HQ, and email the Ombusdan and the Governor and demand that the harassment against Mr. Isby cease immediately and that he be provided full access to the law library in accordance with law and policy!

Call IDOC HQ: (317) 232-5711 ext. 0 ext. 1

Call Plainfield CF: (317) 839-2513 ext. 7 ext. 9

Email the Ombudsman Bureau: idoa@ombud.in.gov

Call & Email the Governor: https://www.in.gov/gov/ask-eric/

Script: “Hello, I am [calling/writing] to protest the harassment Mr. Aaron Isby #892219 is experiencing at Plainfield CF. Mr. Isby has been intentionally denied access to the law library repeatedly and without justification for the past two weeks, with the law library staff and the administration being fully aware that he has upcoming court deadlines – the relevant documents are on file at the law library. Ms. Schmidt in the law library keeps failing to send Mr. Isby passes to the library, and the guards on Mr. Isby’s unit are refusing to pick up his mail. Then, on Jan. 11, between 12:30 and 1:00am, two Nigerian guards came into Mr. Isby’s cell and trashed it, throwing his food and clothing on the floor. This attack is clear and intentional retaliation for the complaints Mr. Isby and his supporters have made regarding the illegal denial of his access to the courts which denying him passes to the law library when he is under deadline constitutes. Please see to it that the retaliation against Mr. Isby is investigated immediately and ensure that he is provided access to the law library as required by law and IDOC Policy & Procedure!”