Phone/Email Zap in Defense of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson!


Thursday while Rashid was at rec  the Deputy Warden, Kevin Gilmore went into his cell and took pictures of Rashid’s belongings. He is claiming that Rashid has too much property and is threatening to take it away. They have already taken 21 boxes of property on 03/07/21 which left Rashid with only the most basic essentials needed for legal work. Under Wabash Correctional Facility’s own property policy, they were supposed to do an inventory and catalogue all of the property that was taken on 03/07/21 and allegedly put in storage. Furthermore, Rashid is supposed to be able to access this property whenever he needs it. He has made several requests to access said property which they have refused to honor. And now they are threatening to take even more property. This is obvious retaliation brought on by Rashid’s helping other prisoners with legal work in addition to his own legal work that is ongoing. All of the property that he has now fits into the storage area inside of his cell so there is no issue with storage in his cell. He did have it all out of the storage area to create new files and in an attempt to exchange some of it for stored property.

We are asking that friends, comrades, and supporters call WVCF and let them know that we will not stand for these retaliatory measures that have been taken against Rashid and that they must abide by their own policies and procedures in regard to his property.

Frank Vanihel

Mailing Address
6908 S. Old U.S. Highway 41
P.O. Box 500
Carlisle , IN 47838

Phone Number
(812) 398-5050

Administrative Secretary to the Warden
Janna Anderson

Facility Staff
Deputy Warden of Re-entry
Kevin Gilmore

Deputy Warden of Operations
Frank Littlejohn

Administrative Assistant
Legal Liaison
Michael Ellis
(812) 398-5050 ext. 4198

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