Racial Discrimination, Unethical Behavior at Plainfield

I signed classification papers on 3/28/24, and was hired by Hobbs to do the hospital job at Plainfield Correctional Facility. My job was to do sanitation. When I got there the African nurses and guards begin to subject me to task that was not my job duties. There was a african nurse they calles Mo, she was requiring me and my co-worker to do her job. On several occasions she tried to get me to help her change one of the patients diapers, I told her this was not my job, I was not a certified nurse assistant (CNA), and was not hired to do her job. Nurse Mo became very upset and begin cursing me. This was not the only demeaning and disrespectful thing nurse Mo did, she was handling a patients catheter and she had the audacity to ask me to hold the inmates private part while she working on the catheter, I almost blew a gasket, I told her I was not touching another mans private and this was PREA, this was not my job!

This african nurse was violating the law! I was also, required to clean up blood by ofc. Lender, who knew I was not certified for this and he knew this violated policy. The african nurses and guards were extremely domineering, I could not do my sanitation job without them hovering over me and telling me how to mop the floor or clean the toilet? I work over there for two weeks and was removed from the job by the Warden Donald Emerson. I was told that my job was taken due to “facility needs,” but, three white inmates was hired in the hospital after I was removed!