Phone/Email Zap! Move Khalfani to General Population!

IDOC Watch comrade Khalfani Malik Khaldun has been placed in the annex, a semi- segregation unit at Newcastle Transitional Facility. Inmates in the annex are only given recreation for two hours and held the rest of the day inside our cell with another inmate. We are calling on every one of our allies and devoted and concerned comrades to heed this call to ask that Khalfani be transferred to general population.



I am [calling/emailing] to demand that Leonard McQuay #874304 be immediately transferred to general population.

We are asking for Jack Hendrix, Classification Director, to explain to Mr. McQuay why McQuay was sent to Newcastle Transition Facility, and not general population, which is what Administration had committed to him after 2 years in Westville Correctional facility. 

We demand that Leonad McQuay be transferred to general population immediately.

Please call/email:

Jack Hendrix, Classification Director, 317-232-2233,