Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun Calls For Activists to Expose Unprofessionalism

Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun

Indiana Political Prisoner Calls For Activists to Expose Unprofessionalism

      (Oct. 2022)

All Power to the People!!!

A Message of Urgency,

Hello to all of you and greetings to local and National activists who fight the fires of prison injustice brought upon those of us by the abuses of leadership within the indiana department of corrections. Today we are deprived of our earned “good time” once we have been found guilty by the DHB (disciplinary hearing board). While assigned to one of the many prisons operated by the Indiana department of corrections officials. What many citizens in society at large don’t know, or may lack knowledge of right now, is our earliest projected release from prison changes, which isn’t good.

On May 24th 2022 I arrived at Westville Correctional Unit (WCU) from the infamous RHU (Restricted Housing Unit). Where staff launched 4 exaggerated conduct reports against me. These conduct reports are what has led to my release from prison being severely extended. The reality of that fact has angered me greatly and overwhelmed my family and friends. 

Originally I was found guilty of a prison related murder sentenced to 60 years do 30 years. I was scheduled to be released in the year of 2030. In 2005 while housed on the SHU (Secured Housing Unit) 3 officers provoked me into an act of self-defense. When the smoke cleared I was rushed into a disciplinary hearing and found guilty of “committing battery” on 3 state prison officers. I was given 9 years in segregation and lost 900 Earned Good Time Credit days, changing my EPRD (earliest projected release date) from 2030 to 2034. While waiting for the transfer to be activated from RHU to DWDS at WCU staff at Miami Correctional Facility assigned to work RHU filed 4 major conduct reports against me. I was put in transit May 24th 2022 before any hearings could be held on the 4 conduct reports. Miami Correctional Facility sent 2 DHB screening officers to WCU to read the charges to me. Miami’s DHB conducted a hearing on 4 conduct reports without me being there to defend myself, denying my rights to due process. 

I received 4 hearing reports by mail from Miami. They found me guilty, they never cared to visit WCU to ensure that I was afforded the safeguards of due process. I used 1 DHB appeal form to challenge 4 conduct reports. They returned them stating I had to use 4 individual appeal forms to complete the appeal process. I handed all 4 appeal forms to caseworker  Mr. Carel. Who added, he gave my appeals to Unit Team Manager Tracy Cornett in July 2022. (Disciplinary appeals held she never sent to Miami) 

On August 13th 2022 I completed my appeal. Caseworker Carel gave them to Tracy Cornett, who I thought forwarded everything to Miami. I have been waiting to hear some great news that I won all my appeals. On 10-12-22 I received a big manila envelope containing the four appeals Tracy Cornett never sent in. How professional is that? The one person I expected to ensure my appeals were sent into Miami failed to do so. Now, I am out of the 10 day time frame to have my appeals properly reviewed by the proper officials. She must be held accountable for the 4 appeals never making it to Miami Correctional Facility to be reviewed and properly adjudicated. Her actions delayed what can be seen as an attempt to prevent my release to general populations, somewhere at some of these level 3 facilities. My plan is to get the appeals on file right away. 

Due to the following reasons, and due process procedural violations, all 4 charges would be dismissed by, and pursuant to (Policy 02-04-0280)

  1. I was denied my due process right to a fair hearing before an impartial decision maker

  2. I was denied my right to be present and to present documentary evidence on my own behalf 

  3. I was denied my right to be present at my own hearing 

  4. I was denied my right to speak on my own behalf at that hearing

 I was never allowed to attend any of the 4 hearings I was entitled to in connection with the procedural safeguards listed in section 4(c)[IC 35-50-6-4(c). These charges must be expunged from my record, deprived credit time restored, sanctions removed and I shall be reclassified to general population. These hearings were held illegally. Without me being present violated my due process rights. 

If you want, call in your complaint against unit team manager Tracy Cornett for never sending the 4 DHB appeals to Miami to be heard and processed for Leonard McQuay #874304 A4-207. You may call the following people:

Warden John Galifeau 219-785-2511

Deputy Warden Kenneth Gann 219-785-2511

Regional Director Richard Brown 317-232-6798

You can reach me by snail mail here: 

Bro. Kahlfani Malik Khaldun 

(Leonard B. McQuay 884304)

Westville Correctional Unit 

5501 South 1100 West

Westville, IN. 46391