Harassment and Provocations against Aaron Isby-Israel in Retaliation for Filing Habeas Corpus!

Long-term Indiana political prisoner Aaron Isby-Israel has been subjected to a retaliatory cell transfer at Miami CF after the Miami County Circuit Court order IDOC officials to respond to his petition for a writ of habeas corpus (meaning for the DOC to prove that his detention is lawful). Aaron filed his petition after learning, via a letter from Regional Director Richard Brown, that by the DOC’s own calculations, he should have been released from prison in 2019. Aaron has been involved in many struggles against IDOC’s abuses and racism since the early 1990s, and was illegally held in solitary confinement for 28 consecutive years as retaliation for his resistance activities.

A hearing on Aaron’s petition for habeas corpus is scheduled before Judge Timothy P. Spahr, Miami Circuit Court on November 17, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. You can watch the hearing on Zoom via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87467431879?pwd=SWI6NTBmSnREN2Z6eU9DZHhHL3JsUT09 and PIN 039169.

Follow link and PIN to connect to hearing.

In the alternative, you will be able to connect to the audio via your computer or by calling in with a telephone by dialing 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago) and then enter the meeting ID: 874 6743 1879 and PIN/Passcode: 039169.

Aaron’s Statement

Below is the statement Aaron sent us regarding the retaliation he is facing at Miami CF:

“Policy MCF-UT-009, states that bed moves, are only allowed every 90 days, which the unit counselor has the discretion to approve. This policy makes it very clear, that a bed move should not be allowed, unless 1) all four prisoners involved in the move agree, or 2) For Safety and Security reasons. These factors were not apparent on 9/30/22, when GHU Counselor Floyd at the Miami Correctional Facility, had me forcibly moved from my cell/bunk G-328 to a handicap cell/bunk G-352 in a cell with a serious mentally ill inmate that suffer from PTSD. I was threaten by Lt. Cardi, Ofc. Sikes and Sgt. Malot, with solitary confinement in AHU and lost of my braille job if I did not move.

There was no request or agreement to move made by me. Lt. Cardi told me, that my move was being done to accommodate a white inmate being moved in to the G-327 bunk in my cell (G-328)? But, there is no accommodation bed moves authorized by this policy? I also, learn that the Mexican, that was moved out of G-352, had not been in G-dorm but, two weeks, so, the counselor violated the policy, by taking my bunk for him! When I furthered investigated this, I later discovered this move was retaliation and [was initiated] two days after the Miami Circuit ordered Robert Carter and Richard Brown of IDOC to respond to my writ of habeas corpus, I filed seeking my immediate release from prison, because IDOC is illegally detaining me. Brown, had his staff intentionally place me in this situation with a psychopath, hoping something happen, so, they would have reason to undermine my legal action against them! I am still in this volatile situation!”