Lost Time #3: False Allegations Lead to Parole Violation of Model Parolee

Lost time is an irregular column IDOC Watch publishes exposing corruption and mistreatment by Disciplinary Hearing Boards, Conduct Adjustment Boards, and parole/probation officers in the Indiana prison system, which often results in incarcerated peoples’ sentences being unfairly extended.

Michael Hart did over 21 years in prison, and was released on parole after serving his time. While he was on parole, the DOC used him to represent their re-entry programs to promote their own operations. Then, after receiving a phone call from a cousin still in prison, his parole was violated and he was put back in prison. Now he will only be released again at the Parole Board’s discretion, despite not having been convicted of any new crime. He faces up to 13 more years in prison. Mr. Hart also speaks on the discriminatory way that “progressive discipline” is applied to white parolees as compared to Black parolees, who are simply sent back to prison, and how he’s not being allowed access to programs that the Parole Board expects him to participate in, in order to be released again.