Lost Time #2 A State of Self Defense: A political prisoner’s story from the past

Lost time is an irregular column IDOC Watch publishes exposing corruption and mistreatment by Disciplinary Hearing Boards, Conduct Adjustment Boards, and parole/probation officers in the Indiana prison system, which often results in incarcerated peoples’ sentences being unfairly extended.

Lost Time #2

A State of Self Defense: A political prisoner’s story from the past

My name is Leonard Bernard McQuay (DOC#874304). I have been incarcerated since 1987. While housed at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in 2005, while being escorted to an outside recreation yard after having words with an officer, I was forced to defend myself from 3 officers trying to humiliate me. I acted in defense of my own life, which resulted in the facility’s Conduct Adjustment Board (CAB) finding me guilty for 3 battery charges on these officers, instead of them being charged for batteries on me.

According to policy, they were supposed to have only served one single charge, instead of three individual charges for one incident.

The board found me guilty and sanctioned me to 9 years in solitary confinement.

The board dropped me from credit class 1 down to 3.

The board also took 900 hundred days of my good time, which extended my stay in prison adding 3 more years to my release date.

My release date was 2030, now it’s 2034. This is how the IDOC keeps us in prison beyond our original release dates, giving them an avenue to keep making money off of our captured bodies . Let’s continue to expose these practices of this system.

Power to the people.

Brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun.