A recent photo of Balagoon, aka John Cole, with loved ones
Several months ago, long-term Indiana political prisoner Balagoon, aka John Cole Jr., was sanctioned to be held in solitary confinement on the Secure Housing Unit (SHU) at Wabash Valley CF. Around a month ago, he completed his disciplinary time, and signed papers to be released back to general population. Yet he still has not been released from solitary confinement!
Balagoon is a very well-loved prison legal advocate who has been involved in the many struggles in defense of prisoners’ human rights over the decades of his incarceration. He has been in prison over 40 years, and is currently serving sentences stemming from the 1985 rebellion against white supremacist guard brutality at Pendleton CF. Balagoon was illegally held in solitary confinement by IDOC for 33 years. Learn more about Balagoon and the PCF uprising here.
On Wednesday, 10/6, Please call IDOC HQ and demand that John Cole #14658, at Wabash Valley CF, be released from solitary confinement and returned to general population, since his he has served his disciplinary time and was approved for release to population close to a month ago! Please also email Jack Hendrix, IDOC Director of Classification, and demand the same.
IDOC HQ: (317) 232-5711, ext. 2, ext. 3, ext. 2
Jack Hendrix: JDHendrix@idoc.in.gov