Never forget what they did to Breonna Taylor!
Amerikkka the not so beautiful
The masses have declared that there are two amerikkas and two criminal justice systems. I am beginning to see this as being a fact. The decision to not charge them police for the murder of Breonna Taylor sends a clear message, once again that black lives really don’t matter here in amerikkka. That any police who wears a badge of dishonor can kill us with impunity. As a revolutionary and a conscious political prisoner, I have no choice but to conclude that the amerikkkan police has declared war upon the New Afrikan community.
This is a wakeup call for all people of color and oppressed whites to get themselves trained in the art of self defense.
We have to continue to organize and rebuild our movement to sustain the onslaught of this unwarranted violence against our people. Standing up is a call to all of you who can and will. We cannot keep losing this war for our own survival. Power of the people!!!!!!!!.
Rebuilding for our existence tomorrow.
In solidarity,
Khalfani Malik Khaldun.
The New Afrikan Man
We are not afraid to say we are no longer deaf, dumb or blind.
The shackles of psychological slavery, we have intentionally removed from our hearts, minds, and souls. We are self taught and very articulate. Now the true story of our plight can be told.
Our socialization in amerikkka has caused our brothas to display actions of this white male sexist mentality that is deeply rooted inside of them like a virus. We have abandoned all criminal and primitive sexist tendencies……
We love and honor the true blessings of all women and will not condone nor tolerate any form of disrespect towards them……..They are God’s Greatest creation on this earth. This earth would be gruesome ugly and cold.
Stop crossing these lines and appreciate her. Love her……..
The New Afrikan man is a builder, a lover and comforter to his family. A protector, and a responsible thinker.
We are no longer unappreciative for the potential that God has placed in us
In fact we are proud to be about the message we bring……….
Are we our brothers’ keepers yes we are………
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow……….
We represent the new man of today…………..
By Brotha Khalfani Malik Khaldun.
PO Box 1111
Carlisle, Indiana 47838
Recent photo of Bro. Khalfani