We received the following correspondence from Gregory Clark II #219145, who is incarcerated at Miami CF, describing the abuse that he and others are experiencing there.
I’m in b unit cell 206. we need help in here, they treatin us like shit been stuck in my cell for four days without a shower, they havent done laundry, they not answering the buttons. people are flooding their cells. i need an attorney to represent us. they reading our mail, its not gettin out. i just want to be treated right. everybody is filling law suits. they denying people medical attention. we need help in here this shit on the verge of goin up in smoke. they wont let nobody use the phone. it just constant kaos. i really appreciate it i really dont be complaining because i have my basic neccessitys to survive but this shit is bogus where is the sympathy or empathy these people are shittin on us thank u so much appreciate u taking the time to help.
im going through it in here they have had us on a facility lockdown. we have been stuck in our cells sometimes for week at a time with no recreation or shower. when others flood there cells from being mistreated we have to suffer with others toilet water urine and fecal matter in our cells for days upon days, sometimes as long as four days. this is a major cause of hepatitis and pink eye. we have no cleaning supplies, no chemicals. my fellow brothers were forced to use their clothes to clean up the toilet water. they haven’t done our laundry for 7 days. people are catching staph. the facility is turning us against each other and trying to get us to fight to do their jobs. they are starving people because they let people hand out the food and they steal. they have not been handing out medical forms. people are dearly sick and cant even get medical attention because they wont even hand out medical slips. they wont even let people get tested for corona. also they have cut off all the phones, so nobody can call their loved ones for the past two months. they are putting up steel plates over the window. they cannot control the facility or protect us. they dont answer emergency buttons. they have not cleaned the air ducts and ventilation system of pipe chases since i’ve been here.
Also the staff has terrible communication skills and often dont care. often they slam cup ports in peoples faces, threaten us with mace for asking for our necessity’s, like toilet paper, which hasnt been passed out in i dont know how long. we are forced to wipe with towels. our food is often time and temperature abused, also sometimes cross contaminated and spoiled. medical denies chronic care. people are attempting suicide. im doing all i can to pick us up with prayer and with the little food i have to give to the less fortunate. ive been down six years and never complained. ive had enough people are fed up. this is an ugly, dangerous situation for some. we need all the prayer and help we can get, we are stuck in cells with our most loved dying, and we left to do nothing but mourn and grieve. they are stopping our mail, not answering our grievances and putting seven digit pin numbers on peoples phone who are reaching out to others. i miss my parents so much. but don’t want to stress them with this . . . i dont know what else to do but be strong for us we need help. also ones have started fires to get out of their cells and they have almost died from carbon dioxide. our rooms are filthy. they threaten the nurses with their jobs for trying to stand up for us. they dont even have enough people to run the facility. there is so much more i havent been in the shower since the third i cant even drink cold water because the water pressure is to low if this makes it to u it is a blessing. im just standing up for what i believe. these are all my brothers in christ black white mexican doesnt matter. i appeciate u listening and trying to help im going to keep doing what i can for others.
Image of a flooded prison cell taken from this article about Lieber CI: https://itsgoingdown.org/shocking-video-emerges-out-of-lieber-correctional-institution-sc/