Phone Zap! Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson Faces Assassination Attempts at Pendleton CF!


Just got off of the phone with Rashid and he still has not received his property or the remainder of his life-sustaining medication. He hasn’t had all of his medication since the incident where he was forced to defend himself that occurred on 08.25.2020. This alone is enough but what has me the most concerned is that he stated there are other recent developments in his current situation that he did not feel comfortable sharing with me over the phone as the calls are heavily monitored and recorded.

He did state emphatically that at this point IDOC and the staff at Pendleton Correctional Facility are actively trying to kill him. These were his exact words. I am fearful for the safety of my comrade and partner and am asking everyone to please call and email! The prison and corrections staff must know that we are watching and there will be a serious consequence to pay should anything happen to Kevin Rashid Johnson while in their custody and care.

Officers A. Long and R. Cochoran have been central figures in the continued racist attacks against Rashid and the racially motivated STG label that was attached to him and his political party. We are asking that calls and emails be made to everyone but correspondence to Dennis Reagle (warden) and Joseph Walter’s (Interstate Compact Admin VADOC) should increase. I am including their contact information below. If you have media contacts or resources that can assist us in this fight, then I ask that you please contact me. Day or night. I don’t care the time. We must protect and fiercely defend our political prisoners.

Dare to Struggle Dare to Win!

-Shupavu wa Kirima


Charlene A. Burkett, Ombudsman


Jon Adam Ferguson, Chief Legal Officer

(317)460-6307, mobile

(317)233-8861, office

Dennis Reagle, Warden


Shannon Schott, Admin. Sec. to the Warden

Joseph Walter’s, Deputy Director VADOC

(Proxy for Harold W. Clarke, Director, Department of Corrections as of 11/2018)




Comrades, Friends, and Supporters, Rashid has just contacted me to tell me that he is currently in disciplinary segregation (the hole) and has been there since shortly after 11 am EST immediately following an incident on the rec yard. Rashid has not been charged and/or found guilty of anything at this point and I have no further details to provide at this time. Due to his removal from general population it is necessary that he receive his property immediately. Included in this property and of the most importance at this time is his medication. This is life sustaining medication that he takes daily and is classified as K.O.P. which means he is to “keep it on his person”. We are also asking that he receive a mattress to sleep on, his fan, legal property as well as all of his other property. Because of his outspoken nature, efforts at organizing the prisoner population, and political views, Rashid is always under attack and we cannot count on the pigs at Pendleton to do the right thing. They have withheld property and medication from him before. We are asking that everyone contact Charlene Burkett, the ombudsman there at Pendleton in addition to the other individuals listed below, to ensure that Rashid receives the items referenced above. Please share widely! We appreciate your solidarity and support.

Update: Rashid has been placed in longterm disciplinary segregation (solitary confinement) which is reserved for prisoners who have been found guilty and have received a sentence of solidarity confinement of a year or more. In Rashid’s situation given that there is an ongoing investigation, no charges, and no punitive measures have been determined as of yet, he should have been sent to administrative segregation. This was done in retaliation because of who Rashid is and also because he refuses to speak to Investigator Aaron Long who is handling the incident.


Rashid has been moved from longterm disciplinary segregation and is now in administrative segregation. His K.O.P. meds and tablet were brought to him on Tuesday night, however, he still does not have his legal property, correspondence and writing materials, hygiene products including shower shoes, and his fan. The fan is important as the tempertures on the segregation unit are sweltering and most often reach well over 90 degrees farenheit. Charlene Burkett, the ombudsman there at Pendleton, has repeatedly lied to us about Rashid’s ability to have his meds, property, and fan brought to him. These items are being withheld in retaliation because of who Rashid is and also because he refuses to speak to Investigator Aaron Long who is handling the incident. We ask that you continue to call and email on his behalf and we thank you for your support and solidarity

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