Phone & Email Zap: Ramadan fast meals served cold at Wabash Valley CF

The Ramadan fast meals are being served cold at Wabash Valley CF.

Please call and email David Liebel, Religious services Director and inform him that Leonard Mcquay 874304 (Khalfani Malik Khaldun) and the Muslim men in G cell house. are all not being allowed to heat their Ramadan meal up. They are serving breakfast and dinner meals that are ice cold. J Bracket Sgt .Brewer and Captain Eric Brewer simply said “No”. when the men in G house requested to be allowed to heat their meals.. Sgt. Brewer And Captain Brewer both refused to come and address the matter. We are requesting to have peanut butter added to both meals, and to be approved to use the microwaves to heat our meal up.


Phone: 317_503_0362