“They’re leaving us here to die”: Pandemic Conditions, Riots and Protests at Westville CF

In the past week, news has come out that a terrible COVID-19 outbreak is occurring at the Westville Correctional Facility. The outbreak became newsworthy after a 70 year old man died of the disease in the facility. In response to the outbreak, people incarcerated at Westville, their loved ones, and other supporters are organizing to fight back! The Convoy of JUSTICE Drive-by Protest is happening Tuesday, 4/28, at 12 noon at Westville, and the Free Them All Coalition is planning another protest for Saturday, May 2 (details in flyer below). Local news organization The Westville Indicator has done an excellent job exposing the flaws in IDOC and Westiville CF’s management of the crisis.

Inside the prison, incarcerated people are also resisting the horrible, unsafe conditions they’re being subjected to by IDOC and Governor Holcomb during the pandemic. On Wednesday, 4/22, incarcerated people who weren’t receiving the medical attention they needed rose up and overpowered their captors, even if only briefly. That was the second uprising in less than two weeks at Westville – another occurred recently in which incarcerated people briefly took a guard hostage in response to time-cut courses being suspended. Now, people incarcerated at Westville CF are organizing in solidarity with the protests happening this week outside the facility. Our comrade Abu Faheem Shabazz reports on the conditions in the facility, the recent uprisings, and the solidarity demonstration being organized on the inside in the interview below.

The Department of Correction is denying the extent of the crisis at Westville, and claiming that no riots have occurred (see Governor’s news conference 4/27). Governor Holcomb continues to refuse to release anyone incarcerated in state prisons, even though there are over 6000 people with less that a year left to serve on their sentence who should be released immediately, along with people being held on technical parole violations, and people who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 due to age or health conditions. Releasing these people would make social distancing possible inside the prisons, which is the only way to slow the spread of the virus. A comprehensive plan for safe mass release was presented to all three branches of Indiana government in March by advocates for the incarcerated. It was rejected out of hand by the authorities. IDOC and Governor Holcomb are intentionally killing people in IDOC custody and their own staff.

If you are able, please participate in the protests at Westville CF this week! If you can’t participate in the protests, please call and email the Indiana authorities with the power to release people from prison, and demand Mass Release Now!


Governor Holcomb
Send him an email at this link: https://www.in.gov/gov/2752.htm

Indiana Supreme Court: 317-232-2540
Email: kathryn.dolan@courts.in.gov

IDOC Commissioner Robert Carter
EBennett@idoc.in.gov & doccovid19@idoc.in.gov

Sample Script:
“Hello, I am [calling/emailing] because I believe the only responsible and humane response to the outbreak of coronavirus is to immediately release all senior and vulnerable inmates from Indiana prisons and jails. There are over 6000 inmates in IDOC custody with less than one year left on their sentence who should be released immediately in order to make social distancing possible inside the prisons. Additionally all current inmates need to be given medical attention upon request without co-pay, and permission to wear masks per CDC guidelines. Finally, all phone calls and video visits should be free for as long as visitation is restricted. The state government must act swiftly to prevent mass murder of inmates by Indiana prisons and jails.”

Image of a GTL message from someone incarcerated at Westville CF that was shared in the Convoy of JUSTICE Facebook event page

Image of a GTL message from someone incarcerated at Westville CF that was shared in the Convoy of JUSTICE Facebook event page

Image of a GTL message from someone incarcerated at Westville CF that was shared in the Convoy of JUSTICE Facebook event page

Image of a GTL message from someone incarcerated at Westville CF that was shared in the Convoy of JUSTICE Facebook event page

westville car demo.jpg