“I don’t care if you die”: Denial of Medications by Mental Health Unit Guards at Pendleton CF

We received word from James Wright, who is locked up on D1, the mental health unit at Pendleton CF. James says that they have been on lockdown receiving 3 bag lunches per day, and just one hot meal per week. Wright has been denied his medications, in retaliation for the recent uprising in the gym at Pendleton, when several correctional officers were badly injured. The gym is where incarcerated people who are suspected of having COVID-19 are quarantined, in unlivable conditions. When Wright, who had nothing to do with the uprising, requested his medications, CO Roberds said to him, “I don’t care if you die.”

On the mental health unit where James is being held, prisoners are self harming and attempting suicide as a result of not getting their medications. At one point before the lockdown, the National Guard administered prisoners’ medications

James Dominique Wright #871527 is a diabetic, has high blood pressure, and is on psychotropic drugs. He is afraid of dying in there. He has an EPR date 04/2021.