Phone & Email Zap to Stop Retaliation Against James Phillips at Pendleton CF!

James Phillips was moved out of immediate danger as a result of our action last Friday. We appreciate everyone who called and emailed on his behalf. However, retaliation has continued. He was moved to G House at Pendleton, where the windows are being kept open and the temperature just above freezing so that inmates are always cold. James said that in order to stay warm while trying to fall asleep, he has to put all of his clothes on, and then within a few hours he always wakes up in a cold sweat, which is terrible for avoiding sickness. Moreover, the cell he was placed in, 105D, is covered in soot from a fire and dried feces. It seems someone lost their mind in there, and set a fire. There are other cells on the range that are open and clean, so there is no good reason why James was put in this one other than retaliation. Please continue to call and email on James’ behalf! You can listen to the audio below to hear James describe the situation in his own words.

Please call the IDOC Central Office and Pendleton CF Warden and demand that they move James to a different cell, and that they turn on the heat and close the windows in G-House! Also please email IDOC Chief Counsel Robert Bugher the same message.

IDOC Central Office: (317) 232-5711 ext. 2, ext. 3, ext. 2

IDOC Chief Counsel Robert Bugher:

Pendleton CF Warden Dushan Zatecky: (765) 778-2107

Email these officials too if you have the time:

Administrative Secretary to the Warden Shannon Schott:

Deputy Warden of Operations Duane Alsip:

Sample Script:

“Hello, I am [calling/emailing] on behalf of James Phillips #106333 at Pendleton Correctional Facility. Mr. Phillips was moved to G-House recently, and placed in cell 105D. That cell is covered in soot from a fire, as well as dried feces, which is having a negative effect on Mr. Phillips’ health – specifically his ability to breathe. Please have Mr. Phillips moved to a different cell in G-House. Also, the windows are being kept open and the temperature is very cold in G-House. Please have the windows closed and the heat turned up!”
