Call In: Demand Medical Care and Release of Vulnerable Inmates Due to COVID-19!

The U.S. has failed to take any serious measures to protect its people from the coronavirus and COVID-19. Right now the prisons and jails throughout the country are potential disaster zones for widespread outbreak. Indiana has the most overcrowded corrections system in the country. Its medical care is run by incompetent private corporations. It is not a matter of “if” but “when” the crisis breaks out. Action must be taken NOW.

We need as many people as possible to call the governor and commissioner of the Department of Correction and demand the release of all vulnerable, senior, and immuno-compromised inmates. We must demand health care on request and without co-pay. Finally, we must demand free phone calls and video visitation while prison visits are suspended.

The time is now, we must act before it is too late.

Governor Holcomb


IDOC Commissioner Robert Carter

Sample Script:
“Hello, I am calling because I believe the only responsible and humane response to the outbreak of coronavirus is to immediately release all senior and vulnerable inmates from Indiana prisons and jails. Additionally all current inmates need to be given medical attention upon request without co-pay. Finally the agreement with GTL should be extended to make all phone calls and video visits free for as long as visitation is restricted.”
