Phone & Email Zap: Stop Assassination of Prison Activist James Phillips At Pendleton CF!

On March 11, 2020 around 4:00am (breakfast time), James Phillips #106333 was attacked, stabbed multiple times, and beaten over the head with a lock by two fellow inmates in J Cell House at Pendleton Correctional Facility. The attack, which Phillips characterized as being the result of differences and incidents of disrespect among prisoners going too far, happened directly in front of surveillance cameras on the unit, and in full view of multiple correctional officers, including Lieutenant Hurts, Lieutenant Ernest, and Officer Connelly.

Since the attack, during which James was severely injured, he has not received appropriate medical care. What’s worse, Internal Affairs Officer Long has demanded that he provide information on the people who attacked him, despite the incident being on camera and having been witnessed by multiple officers. James has refused to provide a statement, knowing that to do so would only put him in more danger (as well as violate his own principles). Because James has refused to snitch, and he is already a target because of his activism, the guards and administration have kept him on the same unit where he was attacked, with the people who attacked him! He can hear them on the range, talking about how they’re going to kill him, and putting prices on his head. Last night, guards unlocked the door to his cell so that people could get in, which only didn’t work because he had barricaded the door. It is clear that the staff and administration are trying to get James killed!

Listen to the audio below for James’ statement on the situation, and please call the IDOC Central Office and Pendleton CF Warden and demand that they move James to a different cell house where he’ll be out of harm’s way immediately! Also please email IDOC Chief Counsel Robert Bugher the same message

IDOC Central Office: (317) 232-5711 ext. 2, ext. 3, ext. 2

IDOC Chief Counsel Robert Bugher:

Pendleton CF Warden Dushan Zatecky: (765) 778-2107

Email these officials too if you have the time:

Administrative Secretary to the Warden Shannon Schott:

Deputy Warden of Operations Duane Alsip:

Sample Script:

“Hello, I am [calling/emailing] on behalf of James Phillips #106333. Mr. Phillips was attacked, stabbed, and beaten over the head with a lock in J-House at Pendleton Correctional Facility on March 10 around 4:00am. Mr. Phillips was seriously injured in the incident, which occurred in full view of surveillance cameras and was witnessed by several officers including Lieutenant Hurts, Lieutenant Ernest, and Officer Connelly. Mr. Phillips has not received appropriate medical care, and he is being kept on the same unit as the people who attacked him, who are openly plotting to do so again! Please see to it that Mr. Phillips is transferred to a different unit out of harm’s way immediately!

You can read some of James’ past reports on conditions in Indiana prisons here and here.
