OFFICIAL MISMANAGEMENT: “Vicious Corona Out Break @ C.I.F”


“Vicious Corona Out Break @ C.I.F”

by-EL•BE•448 (12/7/20)

“We cannot solve the problems we have created with the same thinking that created them.”—Albert Einstein

Correctional Industrial Facility was the only Indiana prison without any prisoner infected by Covid-19, until on Nov.13th, 2020. Of course, staff brought the infection into the facility and it spread like wild fire.

Hundreds of CIF prisoners have been struggling to recover from corona out break. There has been at least two confirmed deaths and many more transported to local hospitals for intensive care. In response, officials placed the entire facility on a lock down, quarantine as early as Nov.16th, 2020.

The tragedy is that there is no such thing as social distancing in prison. The only real quarantine is in solitary confinement. Just as prisoner right observers from IDOC-WATCH predicted, prisons like CIF are not only incubation sites for the pandemic, but death as well.


There is a saying that goes: proper preparation prevents poor performance. CIF officials had 8 months to prepare for a virus they knew wouId appear. But instead of having an organized response procedure in place there was confusion and panic.

For example, high risk prisoners (elderly, precondition health issues, & those that worked in the inhumane Break Factory) were not attended to properly at the outset of the out break. Nor was those who initially infected. Staff exchanged infected prisoners in general population with healthy ones in restricted units. Only spreading the virus rather than isolating it.

It’s obvious. Officials never prepared response plan. As far as i can gather, the out break has been one, big viral experiment at prisoners expense.


Presently, inmates are restricted from normal interaction, visits, recreation, & time cut programs. While staff are treating them as if they’re the cause of the out break. This blame switching only creates more fear & panic.