Urgent Call-In: Demand End to Retaliation Against Important Witness in Indiana State Prison Fire

We have been receiving word from people locked-up at Indiana State Prison about the extraordinary abuse Hassan Aljarah #223392 is being subjected to by facility officials.

Mr. Aljarah is an important witness to the fire at Indiana State Prison in April 2017 that took the life of Joshua Devine as a result of intentional neglect by facility staff, for which officials at ISP are facing a major lawsuit.

Ever since facility officials learned that Mr. Aljarah was a major contributor to the fire lawsuit, he has been under constant shakedowns as well as other harassment by staff. In early May Mr.Aljarah met with 2 attorneys on the case, and since then he has experienced more and more abuse and retaliation. On 6/6/2019 Mr. Aljarah was allegedly found with a cell phone when he got back from work. He heard Warden Ron Neal directly order Internal Affairs (IA) to throw him in lock-up, which violates DOC disciplinary policy for the offense he was accused of. IA officer Christopher Dustin has told Mr. Aljarah that he doesn’t know why they will not allow him a radio or TV. There are mice all over the cell, staff broke his belongings, and they are keeping the lights on him 24/7, he has been prevented from speaking to his attorney, and he has filed numerous grievances and asked for copies all of which have been denied

Mr. Aljarah is from Iraq and his English is very poor. He is here alone in this country. He had a cell phone so he could communicate with his family in Iraq none of which he has seen for 28 years. Staff finds cell phones on inmates at ISP and throughout the DOC constantly, and usually they just confiscate the phones and re-sell them to other inmates. People are only punished severely for having a cell phone if they already have a target on their back.

Please call Warden Ron Neal and Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and demand that Hassan Aljarah be released from lock-up and all other forms of retaliation cease immediately, including returning his property and allowing him to speak to his lawyer. He should be treated the same as any other person caught with a cellphone.

Warden Ron Neal: (219) 874-7258

Governor Eric Holcomb: 317-232-4567

Sample Script:

“Hello, I am calling to demand that Mr. Hassan Aljarah (DOC #223392), who is incarcerated at Indiana State Prison, be released immediately from lock-up and that all other forms of retaliation against him for his participation in the lawsuit relating to the death of Justin Devine in the Indiana State Prison fire of April 2017, cease immediately. He should be allowed access to a radio and TV, allowed to communicate with his lawyer, and the grievances he has filed should be responded to.”

If you don’t get through to the Warden and governor please leave messages with their secretaries or voicemails
