Update & Statement from Angaza Iman Bahar; Calls Urgently Needed!!

Update 11/20

As of 11/20, Angaza remains in solitary confinement without a hearing for the false charge of assault that he is facing. Miami Correctional Facility Staff are refusing to honor their restricted housing unit policy and have not returned all of Angaza’s property. Additionally, the officer who assaulted Angaza and is alleging that Angaza assaulted him, officer Callaway, is now working the unit where Angaza is being held in a pepper-spray covered cell. Angaza heard Callaway bragging to his co-workers that Angaza is the nigger he took down. Angaza feels extremely unsafe, knowing that his officer has already assaulted him once and is now working the unit where he is held.

Please call Miami Correctional Facility (MCF) Warden William Hyatte and the IDOC Formal Review Authority and express your concern that Angaza has not been given a hearing, has not had his property returned, and is in danger because an officer who assaulted him is working the unit where he is held.

MCF Warden Hyatte: (765) 689-8920 (Dial 0, ask operator for Warden Hyatte)

IDOC Formal Review Authority: (317) 232-5711

Sample Script:

“Hello, I’m calling to request that your office look into a disciplinary case at Miami Correctional Facility, and ensure that policy is being correctly followed in the administration of penalties. The case number is either MCF 18-10-0030 or MCF 18-11-0037, the screening officer seems to have made a mistake and assigned two numbers to the case. The case is one in which Jimmy Jones #891782 is falsely charged with assaulting officer Callaway, when what actually happened was officer Callaway assaulted Jones, as the video evidence clearly shows. Mr. Jones has yet to be given a disciplinary hearing or a date on which a hearing will take place, despite being held in solitary confinement for over three weeks, staff are refusing to return his property to him, and he fears for his life because officer Callaway is now working the unit Jones is held on and bragging in racist terms to his co-workers about assaulting Jones.”

If possible please record your calls so we have a record for future legal action!

Statement from Angaza Iman Bahar

I want to take a moment to personally thank each and every one of you who has chosen to come to my aid against the repressive forces of the prison industrial complex. I am humbled and forever grateful for all of your love and support which has made it possible for me to be able to continue to stand tall with my head held high in the face of the endless attacks against my humanity.

Many of you might not be aware that next week on the 30th of November marks 25 years of incarceration for me. This milestone is bitter sweet because it brings me closer to being released and also reminds me of so much that I have lost over the two and half decades that these people have held me hostage. The fact that I did not harm anyone yet sit here convicted of the attempted murder of a police officer demonstrate clearly to me that this system is in deed a corrupted and broken one. But those like me rarely if ever get a second chance and though I wasn’t old enough to drink at the time I caught this case, they had no problem railroading me straight in to a prison cell where I would join the ranks of amerikkka’s mass incarcerated.

These 25 years have opened my eyes to the true nature of those who hold power in this nation. I learned early on that prison officials cannot be trusted to ever act in my best interest, as this current situation demonstrates. But despite their best efforts after all these years they have yet to break me. I have grown a lot older but I have also managed to grow a lot stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Like every other challenge that I have been confronted with over the past 25 years trapped behind enemy lines I will hold my head high and fight this one, using it as another opportunity to expose these prison authorities for the criminals that they truly are. For this is the plight of all those who dare to fight their oppression and show their oppressor that they will never denied us our humanity.

Uhuru Sasa

