Call-In to Stop Medical Neglect at ISP!

In recent months we have asked people to call in to Indiana State Prison a couple of times on behalf of Robert Turben #982329, an inmate who is experiencing and suffering from very serious medical neglect at the hands of ISP medical staff (see event discussion for more details). A loved one of Robert’s requested that we do another call-in to get him the medical attention he needs:

Robert was seen by a physical therapist last week regarding his foot because he’s been on crutches now for about 6 months. The therapist said he recommends the foot be casted due to the injury but the doctor continues to say it’s diabetic neuropathy. If it’s diabetic neuropathy why would you order a physical therapist? He continues to suffer and can barely walk he has put in health-care request to be seen due to what he thinks is a blood blister forming on his toe and he is being ignored. He’s starting the grievance process but that takes a long time. Robert’s loved one has tried calling but hasn’t been able to get anywhere.

Please Call:

Becky Hess (Regional Nurse Manager)

Sheri Fritter
(219) 874-7256 ext. 5141


Office of the IDOC Commissioner: (317) 232-5711, ext. 0 and ask for the Commissioner

Sample script: “Hello, I am calling because I’ve learned of a serious issue of medical neglect at Indiana State Prison, affecting inmate Robert Turben #982329. Please see to it that Mr. Turben receives the medical attention his condition requires. The medical neglect he has already experienced has caused his condition to worsen significantly.”

You can read more about Robert’s medical condition and the abuse and negelct he has been experiencing at ISP here:

A recent photo of Robert’s injured foot

A recent photo of Robert’s injured foot